Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The soul never dies.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The soul never dies.  I recently came across this beautiful poem by Jane Ormes that expresses this so beautifully, I wanted to share it with you.

"Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glints on snow...
I am the sunlight on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn rain...
When you awaken in the morning hush, I am the swift uplifting rush
of quiet birds in circled flight, I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there, I did not die."

The scientists tell us that we are made of the same matter as the stars.  We are the stuff that stars are made of and the breath of God gives us life.  How beautiful the world would be if we all realized this truth.

Wishing you all the blessings of this beautiful Spring with all its new beginnings.......and peace, joy, and love, always.


email comments to LettersToZizi@att.net

Friday, March 25, 2016


Friday, March 25, 2016

In commemoration of the Friday when Jesus, hanging from the cross, said, "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do," let us also forgive ourselves and others whom we perceive have harmed us in any way.

There is a time for feeling wounded, a time to grieve, and a time to let go and let God take care of what has happened in our lives.  In His infinite love and compassion, all will be well.  Do what you can, the best you know how, and leave the rest to God.

Wishing you all the blessings of this Holy Easter.....and peace, joy, and love, always.


Copyright 2016

email comments to:  LettersToZizi@att.net

Monday, March 14, 2016

A Greater Power

Monday, March 14, 2016

From the writings of White Eagle:

Further Steps on a Spiritual Path

"A Greater Power knows our true need.  We would give you a vision of an infinite power working in perfect order, from the heights to the depths, from heaven above right down to the physical and through all humanity.  We would show you a process in all life of changing darkness into light.  Light creates life.  And even in the very lowest form of life, light is working amid the darkness.  Divine law, the law of God, is working on the darkness, the positive state working on the negative, in a process that is gradually producing the perfect God-conscious being."

We are born knowing what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad, which actions further our spiritual journey and which actions delay it.  Our conscience, our intuition, our inner guidance are within us from the beginning and remain to the end.  It is up to each of us to choose whether we will live in the Light or in the darkness.  And whatever we do to and for ourselves, we do to and for all others, because we are all connected.  We are all one family in the mind of God.

Wishing you the blessing of choosing to live in the Light.....and peace, joy, and love, always.


email comments to:  LettersToZizi@att.net

Copyright 2016

Friday, March 4, 2016


Friday, March 4, 2016

Within the past six months or so, I have come across some sources of information that have been very helpful to me.  I share them in the hope they may also be helpful to you.

The Shift Network.com   has programs in the fields of spirituality, health and exercise, foods including medicinal plants, a healthy brain, etc.  The speakers are all leading experts in their respective fields.  The 'shift' in Shift Network indicates a 'shift in consciousness,' that we may grow in understanding.

Thinking Allowed.com hosts interviews with leading edge researchers in various fields.  I was particularly interested in the interviews with Fred Alan Wolf, a quantum physicist who explains science and spirituality are in accord, in language that we can all understand.

Conscious TV.com is a British network doing the same as The Shift Network and Thinking Allowed.

Wishing you the blessing of learning and growing in wisdom and understanding.....and peace, joy, and love, always.


email comments to: LettersToZizi@att.net