Tuesday, July 19, 2016

A Prayer for America

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

"A Prayer for America" was written by Stephan Dinan, founder of The Shift Network, and released on July 4th of this year.

A Prayer for America

On this day dedicated to independence,
I pray that we release our celebration of violence,
And remember that we are made of nobler virtues.
May we recognize our high and holy purpose,
Which cannot be advanced through bloodshed,
Or fulfilled by hate, greed or fear.
E Pluribus Unum is more than a motto;
It is a mission that
Can only be served by daring to love
All of humanity with a tender embrace,
Whispering the words that you, too, are welcome.
May we own our strength without the need to dominate.
May we claim our power without the need to polarize.
May we know that we were ultimately created
For peace to reign in this beautiful world.
Our character was forged in history's fires,
Which required some tempering and toughening
To defend the cause of liberty.
We can honor the warrior path we have walked,
Yet is is not our true destination;
Rather, it is to finally end the long torment of war,
And arrive at a new beginning:
Our human family reunited,
Our precious planet preserved,
With the grace of God blessing all.
Let us lead the way, America,
With peace in our hearts, on our lips and in our hands.
Let us bring that new dawn together.
                                            Stephan Dinan

The Shift Network.com is a huge treasure of information on many, many subjects featuring leaders in their fields, such as Caroline Myss, Dr. Norman Shealy, David Crow, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, and the list goes on and on.  It is wonderful, and hopeful, to know that so many are working so diligently to help enlighten us all.

The 'shift' in The Shift Network pertains to a shift in consciousness, which happens when we come to a higher understanding of our own health, peace, forgiveness, etc.  If you have not visited the website before, I think you will find at least one presentation that touches your heart and very possibly, more.

Stephan Dinan's new book, "Sacred America, Sacred World" was released on July 4, 2016 and is available on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble, and at The Shift Network.com

Wishing you the blessing of the realization that peace, like happiness, is an inside job and one that we all need to embrace and practice.  There will be peace in our world when there are more of us who love peace, than there are those who hate war.



email comments to:  LettersToZizi@att.net

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Everything sacred, everything beautiful.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Everything within us, around us, above us and beneath us is in transition, going from one form to another, growing, evolving, disintegrating, and all of it is sacred, and all of it is beautiful.  Everything that is, is alive and everything that is alive, is alive because of Spirit, and Spirit is sacred and beautiful.

Walk gently and reverently upon this Divine Mother Earth that feeds us, clothes us, shelters us and is alive with an infinite number of beautiful things that feed our minds, bodies, hearts, and souls.  We all stand on sacred ground and all is beautiful.

Wishing you the blessing of eyes that see beyond the obvious, and a soul that knows everything is sacred, everything is beautiful......and peace, joy, and love, always.


Copyright 2016

email comments to:  LettersToZizi@att.net

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Don't take anything personally.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

From the writings of Don Miguel Ruiz:

"When you make a strong habit not to take anything personally, you avoid many upsets in your life.  Your anger, jealousy, and envy will disappear, and even your sadness will simply disappear if you don't take things personally."

It will be easier to not take things personally if you remember that the way others treat us has more to do with who they are, than with who we are.

Don Miguel Ruiz' book, "The Four Agreements," is a wonderful manual for living, and for spiritual growth.  Whatever we learn benefits us, first of all, and most of all.  Love and respect yourself enough to learn the laws of the Universe, the laws of God,  that you may understand how these laws operate, engage them and thereby live your best possible life.  We are all beloved children of God, worthy of love, respect, health and happiness.....but we also have to do our part and choose to live the laws.

Wishing you all the blessings you can imagine.....and then, that many more.  Peace, joy, and love, always.


Copyright 2016

email comments to:  LettersToZizi@att.net