Daughters of my heart.....and other readers,
Peace within is a portable paradise because wherever we go, we take ourselves with us. If there is peace within, there will be peace wherever we are. Peace flows from the inside out, not from the outside in. When we practice peace and are calm, we make better choices, better decisions. We can build our day-to-day lives in calm and peace, and take those qualities with us into the workplace, into our relationships, into the Universe, and add our part to the collective peace in the world.
There will be peace in the world when the number of those who practice peace exceeds the number of those who don't.
The practice of peace is a joyful rather than a somber practice, a stress reliever, a haven at the center of any storm.
- To practice peace is to have the intent to be kind to everyone, including self.
- To practice peace is to treat everything and everyone with dignity and respect, including self. If we believe that God is in every cell and atom of creation, that without Him nothing exists, then it follows that He is in everything in front of us, in back of us, above us, within us, below us, that everything is sacred and we all stand on sacred ground. Therefore, treat everything and everyone with dignity and respect, including self.
- To practice peace is to think peaceful thoughts, to speak words without malice, and to be as gentle as possible in all actions.
- To practice peace is to be aware of all that which is in your mind, heart and soul and to make those choices which will result in peace within you.
- To practice peace is to mind your own business, and to do what is yours to do in a calm and orderly fashion.
- To practice peace is to quiet the mind by choosing to focus on the task at hand, not on yesterday's regrets or tomorrow's "what ifs?"
Individually and collectively, knowingly and unknowingly, we contribute to peace on the planet, or delay it, by our thoughts, words, and actions. I would never presume to tell you what to read, what to view, or what to do. That is neither my job nor my business. I offer the following only as food for thought.
The books we read, the programs we watch, the movies and other events we attend, and those we associate with, all become a part of the 'everything' of our lives. The brain records all we see, read, hear, dream of and experience. Although most would not even think of inviting vulgar people, thieves, or worse into their homes, this is precisely what happens when those books are read, those programs are watched, those movies are viewed. Attention implies support, while additional support is given in the form of dollars which will produce more of the same.
Now, anyone could say, "Oh, it's just a story; it's just a movie; I don't really believe that; I would never do that, etc." In the meantime, the brain is recording everything and therein lies the problem, for it is from this "everything" that we think, speak, act, and react, both consciously and unconsciously.
We can pour out of a glass only that which we have poured into it. Out of our minds and mouths can come only what has been recorded by the brain. Every word, every action, every event, from the gentlest to the most horrific, began in someone's mind and was a result of what that mind had stored within itself.
Free will gives us choice. Universal law, God's law holds us accountable for our choices. Again, it is neither my business, my intent, nor my job to tell you what to read, what to watch, or how to behave. I only want you to be aware of the process so that you can wisely choose for yourselves, that you may daily have a happy, healthy, productive, peaceful life. Peace of mind is the portable paradise.
Daughters of my heart and other readers, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7-9)
The 'sowing' begins in the mind. The 'reaping' takes place during this lifetime.....and beyond.
Remember to always take care of yourselves. Treat yourselves gently and with respect. Walk in dignity and grace. Remember you are important to God, the Universe, and all those who love you, including me.
Love you, unconditionally
Copyright 2014
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(Zizi is a diminutive form of Zia, Aunt in Italian).