February 2, 2014
Daughters of my heart and others,
The truth for each of us is what we believe at the time. The truth is different for everyone. Three people may witness the same event and there will be three different eyewitness accounts of that event. Each of the three will have different vision, different levels of awareness, different interest or no interest all in the event. The truth of the event then becomes what each 'saw', and may differ completely from what the participants felt or believed they experienced.
Reality is different things to different people at different times. We live in our minds, influenced more often by our emotions than logic, and that becomes our reality. Reality for one may be a comfortable home, family and friends, food enough not to be hungry. Reality for another may be a life on the streets, feeling completely alone, hungry, helpless and hopeless. As our thinking changes, circumstances change, knowledge increases, wisdom is acquired, and reality changes. My reality of growing up in a home with endless rules and regulations is vastly different than my reality now, in my own home, answerable only to God.
Perceptions change as we grow in wisdom. We can experience similar situations years apart and our reactions, our perceptions will be different. Perhaps we now see with eyes of compassion and love, rather than eyes of anger or indifference. Depending on through which eyes we view our 'reality', perception changes.
Illusions are everywhere. We think we stand on solid ground while the Earth is spinning on its axis as it orbits the Sun. Beneath our feet, sections of earth move and slide along faults, causing tremors barely felt or incredibly destructive. On a smaller scale, beneath our feet, dirt moves as we walk down any path, bits of it picked up by the soles of our feet or shoes, to be deposited in another place, changing the face of the path.
Wherever there is water, be it rain, melting snow, streams, rivers, oceans, there is movement, there is erosion, there is continuous change. We cannot see the same mountain twice; we cannot walk on the same path twice; we cannot step into the same river twice, because nothing is ever the same. Even the time will
be different. However minuscule, there are always changes, inside of us, outside of us, change is always and everywhere, the only constant.
Continents collide, tectonic plates subduct, mountain ranges form. Weathered by millions of years of wind, rain and snow, mountains become memories. Continents separate, drifting away from one another, changing whatever lies in their paths, only to come together again at some very distant, future date. And the dance that takes millions and millions of years continues.
Everything moves, everything shifts, everything changes. Nothing is forever. Winds blow, rivers overflow, volcanoes erupt, landscapes change. Nothing is static. What appears to be dead, decomposes, returns to the earth to nourish and support new life, and the cycle continues. The only constant is change. Better to embrace it. Impossible to stop it.
Daughters of my heart and others, one of the biggest illusions/delusions is to believe that if someone else thinks you are good, bad, smart, pretty, industrious, lazy....pick any adjective....then that's who and what you are. Delusion to think outward approval or disapproval can change your outer or inner self. What one person thinks is exactly that.....what one person thinks. By our own choices and our own efforts do we become who and what we want to be. With faith, cooperating with the guidance from within, we walk our own path to completeness.
Take care of yourselves, always. Be kind and gentle with yourselves. Remember you are worthy of love and respect, important to God, the Universe, and all those who love you, including me.
Love, always.
email comments to: LettersToZizi@att.net
(Zizi is a diminutive form of Zia, Aunt in Italian).
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