April 22, 2014
Daughters of my heart, and other readers
We live in our minds. We inhabit the planet, reside in our homes, and live in our minds. It is in the mind that any battle is lost or won. In difficult times, we are as strong as we want to be, and as strong as we need to be. For me, they are the same thing.
The greatest source of strength and comfort comes from within, the God center that we have access to, the faith that anchors us, so that we are never like 'the reed that is shaken by the wind.' (Luke 7:24).
It is my belief that all spiritual paths lead to God because God is all there is. All those who honor God in their daily lives will find their way home to Him. We are here to evolve spiritually, to radiate love and peace, to raise the spiritual consciousness of the planet so that all may live a better life. We all have a stake in this. And we are all responsible for doing our part to make this a peaceful planet.
Daughters of my heart and other readers, find the Church/faith/philosophy that strengthens, comforts, and anchors you. As each of us has an individual mind, each of us may have a different perception of God and experience Him differently. Trust that God and the Universe will make your way known to you.
"Ask and it will be given you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7). All we have to do is set the intent and trust the process.
At the end of this letter, I want to share with you the names of some spiritual organizations and inspirational books that have been of comfort to millions, and to me, at different times in my life.
Remember always to take care of yourselves. Treat yourselves gently and with respect. Walk in dignity and grace. You are important to God, the Universe, and all those who love you, including me.
Love you, always
Copyright 2014
Sources of comfort in difficult times:
"Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda is the story of a beautiful soul's journey into enlightenment. In 1920, Yogananda came to the United States from India, bringing with him the Yoga science of meditation and balanced spiritual living. Love of God and service to humanity were his life's work.
In 1925, Yogananda founded the Self-Realization Fellowship International Headquarters in Los Angeles, and the spiritual and humanitarian work he began at that time continues to this day. One of the "aims and ideals" of the Society is "to reveal the complete harmony and basic oneness of original Christianity as taught by Jesus Christ, and original Yoga as taught by Bhagavan Krishna; and to show that these principles of truth are the common scientific foundation of all true religions. (Yogananda's life began in India on January 5, 1893, and ended on March 7, 1952, in the U.S.). Through the centuries, India has always had a few saintly, holy men. Yogananda was one of them.
To this date, the Society oversees Self-Realization temples, retreats, and meditation centers around the world; monastic training programs; and a Worldwide Prayer Circle. Information on Yogananda and the Self-Realization Society is readily available at: www.yogananda-srf.org. If you prefer, you can call the Los Angeles Headquarters at (323) 255-2471.
Unity Church is a non-denominational church established by Myrtle and Charles Fillmore in 1889, in Kansas City, Mo., after Myrtle Fillmore was cured of tuberculosis, which she attributed to a spiritual healing. Unity emphasizes spiritual healing, but does not reject or resist medical treatments. It is an inclusive faith that welcomes diversity of belief and is accepting of the beliefs of others.
Unity is devoted to demonstrating that the teachings of Jesus Christ can be lived every day. Unity has long been a worldwide organization, and its' monthly publication of "Daily Word" goes out to millions of subscribers. "Daily Word" provides a thought and a prayer for the day, and is a positive way to start the day. "Daily Word" is also available online at www.dailyword.com
'Silent Unity' is a worldwide prayer service, available toll-free to anyone in the world who calls for prayers. This service is available twenty-fours a day, every day of every year. There is always someone who will pray for you, and with you, if you call. Your prayer request will then be placed in the Meditation Room for thirty days. Again, there is always someone in the Meditation Room, praying for the intentions of those who have called or written for help. I have been to Unity Village, seen this, and know it to be true. In the middle of any day or night, when you feel lonely or afraid, someone will answer your call and pray with you.
The toll-free numbers are: In the U.S. 1-800-NOW PRAY
International: 01-816-969-2000
Thich Nhat Hahn is a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist. He has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, and has published over 100 books, including more than 40 in English. The two that have been most helpful to me, (I have not read them all), are: "The Miracle of Mindfulness," and "Peace is Every Step: the Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life."
A few years ago, I experienced any mother's nightmare; my only child was badly injured. Prayer and the writings in "The Miracle of Mindfulness" literally kept my mind focused on a positive outcome, helping me to get through each hour of each day until the crisis passed.
Two beautifully inspirational books, small enough to fit in a pocket or purse, are: "The Quiet Mind, Sayings of White Eagle", available from www.whiteeaglelodge.org, or by telephone: 936-597-5757; and "Scientific Healing Affirmations" by Paramahansa Yogananda, available from www.yoganada-srf.org, or by telephone: 818-549-5151.
To all my readers:
As I have said before, it is not my intent to change anyone's belief system or influence you to my way of thinking. I share what has been helpful to me in the hope some of it will be helpful to you, too. I wish for all of you a truly peaceful heart, and gratitude for life, love, family and friends. May you all be blessed beyond imagining, and find the Light along your path.
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