Monday, May 19, 2014
Daughters of my heart, and other readers
Quiet for the soul is as necessary as food for the body.
Take time each day to simply be quiet. Quiet calms the racing thoughts in your mind, all vying for attention. Quiet allows your body to relax and release the stresses of the day. Quiet makes it easier for you to be in touch with the Spirit within you. God does not shout at us above the noise of the outside world. God speaks to us in the silence, when our attention is focused inward, when we have prepared ourselves to listen.
Choose a time and place where you will not be disturbed, and sit quietly. You may want to hold a thought in mind, such as, "All is well," or "God loves me," or any other short affirmation that is comforting to you. Realize that the mind will resist discipline. After years of wandering at will from one thought to another, it may not want to hold a thought for any length of time. If this happens, do not become tense or disappointed; deal gently but firmly with your mind for you are in control of it.
Gradually you will find that you are distracted less and less, and your time of meditation will increase easily and naturally. You will find your days will go smoother and your nights to be more restful, as you begin to experience the peace of communion with the Father. As you become calmer, you will make wiser decisions in all areas of your life, for you will begin to see situations as they are, objectively, rather than through a haze of emotions. New and fresh ideas will seem to come from nowhere and you may wonder why you never thought of them before. They were all there, always, but your mind wasn't quiet enough to be aware of them. Your life will become more peaceful, more joyful, more love-full, more prosperous, more positive, more of everything.
Do not delude yourself into thinking that you will be able to meditate when your life becomes calmer. Your life becomes calmer when you begin to meditate. Your life will become calmer when you begin to quiet your mind and spend quality time with the God within you. Practice meditation - the quality of your temporal life and your eternal life depend on it.
Daughters of my heart and other readers, remember to always take care of yourselves. Treat yourselves gently and with respect. Walk in dignity and grace. You are important to God, the Universe, and all those who love you, including me.
Love you, always
Copyright 2014
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(Zizi is a diminutive of Zia, Aunt in Italian).
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