Monday, December 14, 2015

Three good things.

Monday, December 14, 2016

Today's thought:  Three good things.

In a novel I read a few years ago, the main character made it a habit to think of at least three good things that happened each day.  What a great idea for all of us to consider.  If we are alive, able to read, and able to understand what we are reading, that is already three good things.  When we make a habit of thinking about all the good things in our lives, we open the door for even more good things.  Like attracts like.  It is one of the Universal Laws and operates 24/7, every day of every year.

Focus on the good.  Be grateful for every moment of every day.  Be grateful to God, however you perceive Him to be.  Hearts filled with gratitude are hearts filled with love.  Hearts filled with love are hearts filled with peace.  Hearts filled with peace can conquer all things, bringing peace to the planet.

Wishing you all the blessings your hearts can hold and peace, joy, and love, always.


Copyright 2015

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