February 1, 2017
Tomorrow, February 2, is the ancient Christian festival of Candlemas, the Festival of Lights, when traditionally people turned their faces to the light of the New Year.
I would like to share the following from The Saint John Retreat Center, White Eagle Lodge Newsflash for February 2, 2017:
"We will be joining together at noon (your local time) all over the world. We are thousands strong. If you are able to hold the light of the Christ Star for 15 minutes...or if your life only permits a few seconds - the Light still streams out most powerfully; this is how positive change is effected in this Age...global all-enfolding love.
'We will be using the following words, but as always, follow your heart, it is the love there which is the catalyst!
'We quiet the outer mind and open our hearts to the blessing of the Christ Star. It is a perfect Star of the Christ love, gentle yet irresistible in its power.
'We link with all others who are taking part in this attunement and as a great company we hold in the heart of the Star all the people of Syria, Iraq and Yemen. We see all refugees and all who are suffering in the light of the Star. We especially hold all children within the enfolding, protecting love of Divine Mother.
'We also hold in the Star all in the international community who have the power to make a difference... We see all hearts and minds touched and inspired by the Star and the angels of the Christ Star circle. We see the Star of love and peace TRIUMPHANT...."
When we reach out in prayer for others, the prayer is also for ourselves as we are all connected and we are all affected by everything around us. Follow your heart. Light a candle, send out a prayer to all humanity that we may all live in freedom, in safety, and at peace. We can do these things any day of the year and be a light in the darkness.
With love and gratitude for all you do to further the Light.
email comments to: LettersToZizi@att.net
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