January 20, 2018
Everyone gets a turn at being happy, and everyone gets a turn at grieving. Everyone gets a turn at feeling healthy, and everyone gets a turn at feeling ill. Everyone gets a turn at feeling successful and everyone gets a turn at feeling they are not.
Everyone gets a turn because this is how we learn. Every situation in life that confronts us is the perfect opportunity to learn and grow from that particular situation. When hurtful situations occur, we can ask ourselves, "What is the lesson to be learned at this time?" We quiet ourselves, trust our intuition, change a habit if that is what is needed, let go of what is harmful to us, and go forward from there.
It is easier to learn from others' experiences what is acceptable and what is not. Easier to follow the words of the Masters, the mystics, the words of the recognized Wise Ones who have gone before us, those whose mission and whose lives were dedicated to helping all of mankind to work toward the Light. There are always many among us who do this work quietly for the good of all. They will cross your path at the perfect time for you. Everything happens in its own perfect time.
Choose a right and honorable path to growth and enlightenment. You will be happier, healthier, and blessed beyond believing. Everything that comes to pass is a blessing.....some are more heavily disguised than others, but everything that comes to pass is a blessing......and everyone gets a turn.
Wishing you all the blessings your mind and heart can hold, and peace, joy, and love.
Copyright 2018
comments to: LettersToZizi@att.net
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