Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Today's thought: Happy Birthday, Blog!
One year ago today, I posted the first blog: "Things I learned along the way," in the form of a letter to my nieces and all others who would visit the site. The words are still relevant and, from time to time, I think we all need reminders. I certainly do. So, for myself and those of you who are so kind and supportive as to visit this site, here are some of the 'things I learned along the way.'
"Daughters of my heart...and others,
'In the coming months, I hope to share with you some of the lessons I have learned in this experience called Life. You may not agree with my thoughts and beliefs, and that's fine. We are not clones of one another, nor are we meant to be. Trust your own instincts. Follow your own heart. Be still, and listen to the one true voice within.
'It is important to understand that whatever you do comes back to you. Whatever you do, you do to yourself, first and foremost, and then, like a ripple effect, it affects all those whose lives you touch. You cannot do good to others without doing good to yourself. You cannot do harm to others without doing harm to yourself. The law of cause and effect...Universal law...karma...God's law, do exist. Call it what you will, it operates the same for everyone. Please don't fool yourself into thinking you can get away with anything. To paraphrase the poet, "Tho' the mills of the Gods grind slowly, yet they grind exceedingly fine." The law operates 24/7, no exceptions, no excuses, no escape.
'When you have thoughts and feelings of goodwill, love, and affection, those thoughts and feelings cause positive, healthy chemicals to be released from the brain and to circulate throughout your body. In the same way, angry thoughts, words and actions cause to be released, harmful, negative chemicals to course throughout the body. Whatever we think, speak, and do is recorded within us, in our memories our postures, our mannerisms, our voices, and our expressions, visible to all. Impossible to hide who and what we are from those who have learned to see.
'Try not to be careless in your language and manners. Language and manners civilize us. Our own language and manners broadcast to others how we expect to be treated, and whether we will tolerate crude language and disrespect. We alone choose whether to use healing, positive, beautiful words, or destructive, negative, vulgar words. Language reveals who we are in a flash.
'Manners reveal how we feel about others and, also, how we feel about ourselves. Manners is the art of being kind. Language and manners have the power to heal or destroy.
'In this age of instant communication, where it seems to be acceptable for everyone to tell everything, all manner of words are flung about carelessly. It seems to have been forgotten that all words, like all actions, have consequences. Words are important. Words have power. Words help shape who you are and who you will become."
The remaining portion of this letter, "A few more words about words:" will appear in tomorrow's blog. My thanks and appreciation to all of you for your interest and support.
Wishing you blessings beyond counting.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Zizi is a diminutive of Zia, which is Aunt in Italian.
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