Friday, January 30, 2015
Today's thought: Our thoughts matter.
What has been taught in the past by the Masters has been proven by scientific research. Our thoughts matter. Our thoughts make our world. The Buddha taught this over two thousand years ago; the Bible tells us that "it will be done unto us according to our beliefs;" and, more recently, the process is explained to us by Thomas Hanna.
"What the neurophysiological research of the past several decades tells us is that the kind of thoughts we think determines the quality and effectiveness of our lives. Because thinking is an action of the entire body that mobilizes the entire sensorimotor system, the nature of our thinking activity automatically determines the nature of our bodily activity. If we turn the same anxious thoughts over in our minds day after day, then it is certain that we are tensing and activating certain contractions in our bodies day after day. And it is just as certain that these afflicted parts of our bodies will, through this daily abuse, become fatigued and damaged.
'When we think the same thoughts of revenge over and over again, we are activating the muscles and glands of our bodies over and over again. When we repeat the same thought of disappointment over and over again, we are repeatedly stamping its motor power into the tissues of our body until they sag in forlornness. When we repeatedly think thoughts or memories of hurt, despair, anger, or fear, we are physically injuring ourselves; we are engaging in self-destruction."
Wishing you the deep realization that you can change your life when you change your thoughts, you can become a positive thinker, a seeker of solutions, a light in the darkness for all.
Peace. Joy. Love, always.
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