Thursday, December 31, 2015
As this year ends, may it also be the end of any and all guilt, shame, anger, or resentment from the past that, in their absence, you may be filled with love and light.
In the coming year, with its infinite possibilities, may you know the blessings of an illumined mind, compassionate heart, healthy body, peaceful soul, and gratitude.
Let every breath, every step, every beat of our hearts be a song of gratitude to Him who gives us life, unconditional love, and infinite possibilities.
Love, always
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Friday, December 25, 2015
Peace, Joy, Love.
Friday, December 25, 2015
On this Holy Day, I wish you the blessing of a peaceful, joyful, loving day, today and every other day that follows. May your hearts and minds be filled to overflowing with all the blessings they can hold, always.
Peace, Joy, Love.
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On this Holy Day, I wish you the blessing of a peaceful, joyful, loving day, today and every other day that follows. May your hearts and minds be filled to overflowing with all the blessings they can hold, always.
Peace, Joy, Love.
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Happy moments.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
From the writings of Abraham:
"A happy life is just a string of happy moments. But most people don't allow the happy moment, because they're so busy trying to get a happy life."
Wonderful words of wisdom, and so true.
Wishing you the blessing of continual happy moments.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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From the writings of Abraham:
"A happy life is just a string of happy moments. But most people don't allow the happy moment, because they're so busy trying to get a happy life."
Wonderful words of wisdom, and so true.
Wishing you the blessing of continual happy moments.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Saturday, December 19, 2015
Wise Words
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Wise words from the Buddha:
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
Pay attention to your own instincts. Follow your own Inner Guidance. God has choreographed each of our lives differently, harmoniously. All we have to do is listen and all of it will be revealed to us at the perfect time and place for each of us. Be quiet.....and listen.
Wishing you the realization that blessings pour down upon us continually from a loving, compassionate Universe.....and that you will open your eyes, and see.
Peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
Wise words from the Buddha:
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
Pay attention to your own instincts. Follow your own Inner Guidance. God has choreographed each of our lives differently, harmoniously. All we have to do is listen and all of it will be revealed to us at the perfect time and place for each of us. Be quiet.....and listen.
Wishing you the realization that blessings pour down upon us continually from a loving, compassionate Universe.....and that you will open your eyes, and see.
Peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Make the best of it.
Wednesday, December 16, 2016
From the writings of Abraham:
"Make the best of it. When you make the best of whatever you're focused upon, your future will be better than your now. If each moment you're making the best of what-is, no matter what it is, you make the best of it; make the best of it; make the best of it---your future just gets better and better and better...and better."
When we are doing the best we can at the moment, regardless of the situation, that is all we can ask of ourselves or of anyone else. We are doing our best, and it is the best thing we can do for ourselves, our future, our destiny.
Wishing you blessings beyond counting.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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From the writings of Abraham:
"Make the best of it. When you make the best of whatever you're focused upon, your future will be better than your now. If each moment you're making the best of what-is, no matter what it is, you make the best of it; make the best of it; make the best of it---your future just gets better and better and better...and better."
When we are doing the best we can at the moment, regardless of the situation, that is all we can ask of ourselves or of anyone else. We are doing our best, and it is the best thing we can do for ourselves, our future, our destiny.
Wishing you blessings beyond counting.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Monday, December 14, 2015
Three good things.
Monday, December 14, 2016
Today's thought: Three good things.
In a novel I read a few years ago, the main character made it a habit to think of at least three good things that happened each day. What a great idea for all of us to consider. If we are alive, able to read, and able to understand what we are reading, that is already three good things. When we make a habit of thinking about all the good things in our lives, we open the door for even more good things. Like attracts like. It is one of the Universal Laws and operates 24/7, every day of every year.
Focus on the good. Be grateful for every moment of every day. Be grateful to God, however you perceive Him to be. Hearts filled with gratitude are hearts filled with love. Hearts filled with love are hearts filled with peace. Hearts filled with peace can conquer all things, bringing peace to the planet.
Wishing you all the blessings your hearts can hold and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
Today's thought: Three good things.
In a novel I read a few years ago, the main character made it a habit to think of at least three good things that happened each day. What a great idea for all of us to consider. If we are alive, able to read, and able to understand what we are reading, that is already three good things. When we make a habit of thinking about all the good things in our lives, we open the door for even more good things. Like attracts like. It is one of the Universal Laws and operates 24/7, every day of every year.
Focus on the good. Be grateful for every moment of every day. Be grateful to God, however you perceive Him to be. Hearts filled with gratitude are hearts filled with love. Hearts filled with love are hearts filled with peace. Hearts filled with peace can conquer all things, bringing peace to the planet.
Wishing you all the blessings your hearts can hold and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Who we really are.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Who we really are is spirit.
We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Spirit comes before matter. We are spirit, first. When we align ourselves with the mystical/universal laws of the universe, all is well in our own particular world and, by extension, all is better in all of the world.
We influence world events as much as world events influence us. We all contribute to, and will be held responsible for the part we play in all that is happening everywhere.
Wishing you the realization that your every thought, word, and action make a difference for the good of all, or for the shadow side of all. Peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
Who we really are is spirit.
We are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Spirit comes before matter. We are spirit, first. When we align ourselves with the mystical/universal laws of the universe, all is well in our own particular world and, by extension, all is better in all of the world.
We influence world events as much as world events influence us. We all contribute to, and will be held responsible for the part we play in all that is happening everywhere.
Wishing you the realization that your every thought, word, and action make a difference for the good of all, or for the shadow side of all. Peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
Sunday, December 6, 2015
No accidents.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Today's thought: No accidents.
There are no accidents. There are only the end results of all that has gone before.
Every choice is important, because every choice has a consequence, an end result.
There are no accidents. There are only the end results of all that has gone before.
Wishing you all the blessings of this day, St. Nicholas Day, the beginning of the Christmas/Holiday Season, and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
Grateful thanks to all who visit this site. Bless you; I appreciate you very much.
Today's thought: No accidents.
There are no accidents. There are only the end results of all that has gone before.
Every choice is important, because every choice has a consequence, an end result.
There are no accidents. There are only the end results of all that has gone before.
Wishing you all the blessings of this day, St. Nicholas Day, the beginning of the Christmas/Holiday Season, and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
Grateful thanks to all who visit this site. Bless you; I appreciate you very much.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 26, 2016
May all of you have a blessed day and be grateful for all your blessings.
Don Miguel Ruiz, the author of the wonderful little book, "The Four Agreements," has this to say about gratitude:
"The more you practice gratitude, the more you see how much there is to be grateful for, and your life becomes an ongoing celebration of joy and happiness."
Wishing you all the blessings your mind and heart can hold ..... and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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May all of you have a blessed day and be grateful for all your blessings.
Don Miguel Ruiz, the author of the wonderful little book, "The Four Agreements," has this to say about gratitude:
"The more you practice gratitude, the more you see how much there is to be grateful for, and your life becomes an ongoing celebration of joy and happiness."
Wishing you all the blessings your mind and heart can hold ..... and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Monday, November 23, 2015
Forgiveness and Thankfulness
Monday, November 23, 2015
From the writings of White Eagle: Forgiveness and Thankfulness
"There are two qualities that every man and woman must cherish in their heart if they would advance into the temple of that star which led the wise men to Christ. These are forgiveness and thankfulness: simple qualities like keys which can open the gates to the mysteries of heaven. You cannot pass through the gates until you have mastered such simple human lessons."
Forgiveness is the great liberator. Gratitude is the great provider. Love is the great healer.
Wishing for you the blessing of all of these things, and peace and joy, always.
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From the writings of White Eagle: Forgiveness and Thankfulness
"There are two qualities that every man and woman must cherish in their heart if they would advance into the temple of that star which led the wise men to Christ. These are forgiveness and thankfulness: simple qualities like keys which can open the gates to the mysteries of heaven. You cannot pass through the gates until you have mastered such simple human lessons."
Forgiveness is the great liberator. Gratitude is the great provider. Love is the great healer.
Wishing for you the blessing of all of these things, and peace and joy, always.
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Thursday, November 19, 2015
One day at a time.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Today's thought: One day at a time.
We can build a beautiful life for ourselves by focusing on one day at a time. This day, this moment, is the only one in which we can live, it is the only moment we actually have, so let us do the best we can today, and be grateful for every moment of this day.
If you are going through a difficult time, have faith, tell yourself that you can get through this hour, through this day. When we can manage to keep calm in spite of circumstances, our minds will be clear and open for solutions to flow through. If we fill our minds with the problem, there will be no room for solutions.
Life is full of surprises, not all of them pleasant, but we are all beloved children of God; with faith, we can get through each experience, one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time.
Wishing you the blessing of knowing, deep in your heart, that you are a beloved child of God, worthy and deserving of health, happiness, prosperity, respect, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: One day at a time.
We can build a beautiful life for ourselves by focusing on one day at a time. This day, this moment, is the only one in which we can live, it is the only moment we actually have, so let us do the best we can today, and be grateful for every moment of this day.
If you are going through a difficult time, have faith, tell yourself that you can get through this hour, through this day. When we can manage to keep calm in spite of circumstances, our minds will be clear and open for solutions to flow through. If we fill our minds with the problem, there will be no room for solutions.
Life is full of surprises, not all of them pleasant, but we are all beloved children of God; with faith, we can get through each experience, one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time.
Wishing you the blessing of knowing, deep in your heart, that you are a beloved child of God, worthy and deserving of health, happiness, prosperity, respect, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Saturday, November 14, 2015
Prayers for peace.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Today's thought: Prayers for peace.
There has always been a need for prayers for peace. Since the beginning of recorded history, there have been those who deliberately set out to hurt and/or destroy others.
Prayers for peace are needed for the victims of these senseless acts, and prayers for peace are needed for those who victimize, that the light and peace of God may touch their minds and hearts and forever change their ways.
Let us send out peaceful thoughts and prayers to all of Paris; for those whose lives were so suddenly ended, those who grieve, those whose job it is to respond to emergencies, those who govern and make the rules, and those who break them. Universal laws operate for all of us, and we will all be held accountable for our thoughts, words, and actions. When the dominant attitude of all is peace, there will be peace.
Wishing you the blessings of peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
email comments to: LettersToZizi@att. net
Today's thought: Prayers for peace.
There has always been a need for prayers for peace. Since the beginning of recorded history, there have been those who deliberately set out to hurt and/or destroy others.
Prayers for peace are needed for the victims of these senseless acts, and prayers for peace are needed for those who victimize, that the light and peace of God may touch their minds and hearts and forever change their ways.
Let us send out peaceful thoughts and prayers to all of Paris; for those whose lives were so suddenly ended, those who grieve, those whose job it is to respond to emergencies, those who govern and make the rules, and those who break them. Universal laws operate for all of us, and we will all be held accountable for our thoughts, words, and actions. When the dominant attitude of all is peace, there will be peace.
Wishing you the blessings of peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
email comments to: LettersToZizi@att. net
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Everything makes a difference.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Every kind word and act makes a difference for the better, not only for those to whom the words and actions are directed but also for ourselves and for all humankind, all life. It makes a difference because all life is connected and breathes as one. And all life is connected to God.
The Bible passage of Matthew 25:40 reminds us that whatever we do to anyone, we also do it to God. A sobering thought.
Wishing you the blessing of an open and peaceful mind and heart, and the deep realization that we truly are one family in God. May all your days be joyful. Love,
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Copyright 2015
Every kind word and act makes a difference for the better, not only for those to whom the words and actions are directed but also for ourselves and for all humankind, all life. It makes a difference because all life is connected and breathes as one. And all life is connected to God.
The Bible passage of Matthew 25:40 reminds us that whatever we do to anyone, we also do it to God. A sobering thought.
Wishing you the blessing of an open and peaceful mind and heart, and the deep realization that we truly are one family in God. May all your days be joyful. Love,
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Copyright 2015
Friday, October 30, 2015
A spiritual life.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Today's thought: A spiritual life.
From the wisdom of White Eagle:
"Hold fast to hope and to constructive spiritual thought and spiritual power; in future all life will have to be based upon a spiritual foundation. We know that physical things have their place, that there must be material considerations, but these should be secondary...the foundation of all life is spiritual. Man is spirit; he comes from the Infinite Spirit, and must conduct his life on spiritual laws. The future will have to be based upon these same spiritual laws. Commercial, religious, economic - in all forms of life there must be this spiritual foundation, otherwise only chaos can result. Again there comes a fresh outpouring of spiritual truth, giving mankind yet another opportunity to build his or her life on a spiritual foundation. Each one of you can contribute your quota of right and spiritual thinking to the world; you will thus play as great a part as any man or woman in contributing to that which is eternal and lasting."
Wishing you the blessing of a spiritual life.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Today's thought: A spiritual life.
From the wisdom of White Eagle:
"Hold fast to hope and to constructive spiritual thought and spiritual power; in future all life will have to be based upon a spiritual foundation. We know that physical things have their place, that there must be material considerations, but these should be secondary...the foundation of all life is spiritual. Man is spirit; he comes from the Infinite Spirit, and must conduct his life on spiritual laws. The future will have to be based upon these same spiritual laws. Commercial, religious, economic - in all forms of life there must be this spiritual foundation, otherwise only chaos can result. Again there comes a fresh outpouring of spiritual truth, giving mankind yet another opportunity to build his or her life on a spiritual foundation. Each one of you can contribute your quota of right and spiritual thinking to the world; you will thus play as great a part as any man or woman in contributing to that which is eternal and lasting."
Wishing you the blessing of a spiritual life.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Today's thought: Love
From the writings of Fr. Thomas Merton:
"The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them."
Wishing you the blessing of unconditional love for yourself as well as for those you love.....and peace and joy, always.
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Today's thought: Love
From the writings of Fr. Thomas Merton:
"The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them."
Wishing you the blessing of unconditional love for yourself as well as for those you love.....and peace and joy, always.
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Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Today's thought: Worry
A recent Abraham quote defined 'worrying' as "using your imagination to create something you don't want."
We are a part of Spirit, energy beings, and all of our thoughts, words, and actions issue forth from us as energy. Whatever we think about and talk about creates an energy field that will support our thoughts and words, and when we think about them long enough and strong enough, they will manifest and become part of our reality.
Most of us don't realize the power of our thoughts and words, even though the Masters have taught this for thousands of years. We may read the teachings and hear the teachings, but it doesn't quite sink into our minds and hearts, and perhaps we may not quite believe it. But, we truly are co-creators of our lives and the lives we live today are the end result and consequence of all the choices we have made from the beginning. Until we realize the power of thoughts and words, some of those choices will be made in ignorance of the consequences attached to those choices.
The chaos we see in some parts of the world didn't just 'happen;' it is the cumulative consequence of all the choices made by those involved, including those who were either elected to positions of power, or seized positions of power, those who make and those who sell small and large weapons of destruction, those who hold thoughts of hate and vengeance in their minds and hearts, etc. Wherever there is petty pride and unforgiveness, there cannot be peace. What we see today is the collision of all the destructive decisions made by many.
Nothing falls from the sky fully formed to either help us or hurt us ----- everything starts as a thought and grows from there, like attracting like, either in a peaceful mind or a devious mind, and joins all the other positive or negative energy swirling around the planet, for good or for evil.
Choose to live a peaceful life, thereby adding to the peace of all life. If enough of us do this, peace will come; it must come. The Universal Law of Attraction, like attracts like, operates 24/7, no days off. When enough of us want peace, peace will come. It has no other choice; it operates according to law.
Wishing you the blessing of peace in all your thoughts, words, and actions.....and joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Worry
A recent Abraham quote defined 'worrying' as "using your imagination to create something you don't want."
We are a part of Spirit, energy beings, and all of our thoughts, words, and actions issue forth from us as energy. Whatever we think about and talk about creates an energy field that will support our thoughts and words, and when we think about them long enough and strong enough, they will manifest and become part of our reality.
Most of us don't realize the power of our thoughts and words, even though the Masters have taught this for thousands of years. We may read the teachings and hear the teachings, but it doesn't quite sink into our minds and hearts, and perhaps we may not quite believe it. But, we truly are co-creators of our lives and the lives we live today are the end result and consequence of all the choices we have made from the beginning. Until we realize the power of thoughts and words, some of those choices will be made in ignorance of the consequences attached to those choices.
The chaos we see in some parts of the world didn't just 'happen;' it is the cumulative consequence of all the choices made by those involved, including those who were either elected to positions of power, or seized positions of power, those who make and those who sell small and large weapons of destruction, those who hold thoughts of hate and vengeance in their minds and hearts, etc. Wherever there is petty pride and unforgiveness, there cannot be peace. What we see today is the collision of all the destructive decisions made by many.
Nothing falls from the sky fully formed to either help us or hurt us ----- everything starts as a thought and grows from there, like attracting like, either in a peaceful mind or a devious mind, and joins all the other positive or negative energy swirling around the planet, for good or for evil.
Choose to live a peaceful life, thereby adding to the peace of all life. If enough of us do this, peace will come; it must come. The Universal Law of Attraction, like attracts like, operates 24/7, no days off. When enough of us want peace, peace will come. It has no other choice; it operates according to law.
Wishing you the blessing of peace in all your thoughts, words, and actions.....and joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Saturday, October 10, 2015
All of life is one.
Saturday, October 11, 2015
Today's thought: All of life is one.
All of life is a physical, visible, creation of the one invisible God, and we are all connected through Him.
In the same way that an arm is an individual part of the body and yet connected to the body, we are individual souls that are part of the Universal soul, which connects us to one another and to God. In Him, we all live, move, and have our being. And so, it follows that we cannot hurt one without hurting all, which includes ourselves.
Again, I say to you and to me, the best thing we can do for ourselves, our families and friends, our cities and countries, the whole of life and the entire planet, is to live an honorable life, live the Golden Rule, live the Ten Commandants, that individually and collectively, we may become a more spiritual people and advance all of life.
Wishing you the blessing of the realization that we are in God and God is in us, closer to us than our own hands and feet.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: All of life is one.
All of life is a physical, visible, creation of the one invisible God, and we are all connected through Him.
In the same way that an arm is an individual part of the body and yet connected to the body, we are individual souls that are part of the Universal soul, which connects us to one another and to God. In Him, we all live, move, and have our being. And so, it follows that we cannot hurt one without hurting all, which includes ourselves.
Again, I say to you and to me, the best thing we can do for ourselves, our families and friends, our cities and countries, the whole of life and the entire planet, is to live an honorable life, live the Golden Rule, live the Ten Commandants, that individually and collectively, we may become a more spiritual people and advance all of life.
Wishing you the blessing of the realization that we are in God and God is in us, closer to us than our own hands and feet.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Today's thought: Peacemakers
From the writings of White Eagle:
"You are peacemakers and light bearers. Do not allow yourself to be pulled here and there by noisy talk; remain calm and tranquil. Strive for inner strength and steadfastness. Radiate peace in your world and in your country, for the Master Jesus says: '.....I send you forth as peacemakers and light bearers...'"
Think peace, speak peace, act peacefully. With all the turmoil and grief on the planet, more than ever we need those who continue to quietly live and work in peace. The planet needs balance to survive, and so do we. Choose to survive. Choose to live an honorable life in peace.
Wishing you the blessings of a peaceful life.....and joy and love, always.
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Today's thought: Peacemakers
From the writings of White Eagle:
"You are peacemakers and light bearers. Do not allow yourself to be pulled here and there by noisy talk; remain calm and tranquil. Strive for inner strength and steadfastness. Radiate peace in your world and in your country, for the Master Jesus says: '.....I send you forth as peacemakers and light bearers...'"
Think peace, speak peace, act peacefully. With all the turmoil and grief on the planet, more than ever we need those who continue to quietly live and work in peace. The planet needs balance to survive, and so do we. Choose to survive. Choose to live an honorable life in peace.
Wishing you the blessings of a peaceful life.....and joy and love, always.
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Monday, October 5, 2015
Your best self.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Today's thought: Your best self.
Your best self, your true self, is your spiritual self. At our deepest selves, our primary selves, we are spiritual beings. We come from spirit; we will return to spirit; and we are governed and held accountable to spiritual laws. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience, where many of us are seeking to have a spiritual connection. We question, search, and yearn because the spiritual is 'home' to us and to lose the connection is to be lost. And yet, God always holds us safely in the palm of His hand, as close to us as hands and feet when we take the time to quiet ourselves, look within, and experience the peace that has been ours from the beginning of time and will continue to be into eternity. Live your best life; your best self is deserving of that and more.
Wishing you the blessing of realizing your true self.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Your best self.
Your best self, your true self, is your spiritual self. At our deepest selves, our primary selves, we are spiritual beings. We come from spirit; we will return to spirit; and we are governed and held accountable to spiritual laws. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience, where many of us are seeking to have a spiritual connection. We question, search, and yearn because the spiritual is 'home' to us and to lose the connection is to be lost. And yet, God always holds us safely in the palm of His hand, as close to us as hands and feet when we take the time to quiet ourselves, look within, and experience the peace that has been ours from the beginning of time and will continue to be into eternity. Live your best life; your best self is deserving of that and more.
Wishing you the blessing of realizing your true self.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Holding the space.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Today's thought: Holding the space.
We can benefit all of life into eternity by 'holding the space' we live in, peacefully, lovingly, compassionately, truthfully, honorably. It isn't required of us to make some grand discovery, cure an illness, or to go anywhere else in the world; it is enough that we create little pockets of peace, today, wherever we are. It is enough to live a quiet, simple life, peacefully, lovingly, compassionately, truthfully, honorably. It is not only enough, it is a huge gift we can give ourselves, our families, our neighbors, the divine earth that feeds and shelters us all.
The positive energy generated by such a life will never be lost, but will merge with all other positive energy and flow on and on, forever and ever. In every prayer, in every compassionate word, in every good deed, there is infinite power to make this blessed earth a more peaceful place for all of life.
Wishing you the blessing of all the peace, joy, and love that your heart and soul desire.
Love, always
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Holding the space.
We can benefit all of life into eternity by 'holding the space' we live in, peacefully, lovingly, compassionately, truthfully, honorably. It isn't required of us to make some grand discovery, cure an illness, or to go anywhere else in the world; it is enough that we create little pockets of peace, today, wherever we are. It is enough to live a quiet, simple life, peacefully, lovingly, compassionately, truthfully, honorably. It is not only enough, it is a huge gift we can give ourselves, our families, our neighbors, the divine earth that feeds and shelters us all.
The positive energy generated by such a life will never be lost, but will merge with all other positive energy and flow on and on, forever and ever. In every prayer, in every compassionate word, in every good deed, there is infinite power to make this blessed earth a more peaceful place for all of life.
Wishing you the blessing of all the peace, joy, and love that your heart and soul desire.
Love, always
Copyright 2015
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Saturday, September 19, 2015
The greatest power is love.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Today's thought: The greatest power is love.
From the Mystical Teachings of St. John - Inner Teaching:
"The greatest power in this world or the next is love. It is the link which binds and yet gives complete liberty. When applied, it never fails to win through, no matter how difficult the problem that confronts the soul. When in doubt, fear, anxiety, in sickness when death draws near, the key to liberty, the key to heaven itself is love in the heart towards God."
Wishing you the blessing of a heart filled to overflowing with love towards God and all life, including your own. Peace and joy, always.
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Today's thought: The greatest power is love.
From the Mystical Teachings of St. John - Inner Teaching:
"The greatest power in this world or the next is love. It is the link which binds and yet gives complete liberty. When applied, it never fails to win through, no matter how difficult the problem that confronts the soul. When in doubt, fear, anxiety, in sickness when death draws near, the key to liberty, the key to heaven itself is love in the heart towards God."
Wishing you the blessing of a heart filled to overflowing with love towards God and all life, including your own. Peace and joy, always.
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Let go.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Today's thought: Let go.
"Holding onto the past interferes with what the Divine is doing in your present." Caroline Myss
This must be the best reason in the world to let go of painful past memories, and I sincerely hope you are able to do so.
Wishing you all the blessings you wish for yourself.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Today's thought: Let go.
"Holding onto the past interferes with what the Divine is doing in your present." Caroline Myss
This must be the best reason in the world to let go of painful past memories, and I sincerely hope you are able to do so.
Wishing you all the blessings you wish for yourself.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Wednesday, September 9, 2015
World Day of Prayer
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Unity World Day of Prayer, Thursday, September 10, 2015
Tomorrow is Unity's World Day of Prayer for 2015. The thought this year is, "Pray up your life. Pray up the World," and "As I pray, I connect my highest thoughts with my deepest faith."
We pray for ourselves when we pray for the world, for although each of us is an individual soul, we are connected to all the other souls because we are all a part of God. He is the Source from which we came, and to which we will return.
On a daily basis, pray for peace; send out thoughts of peace; do your work with peaceful actions; speak your words peacefully. There will be peace within ourselves and within all people when each of us does his or her part. Be the one who chooses to live in peace, and that peace will spread to all those whose lives you touch, and those whose lives they touch, etc., until peace is all there is.
Wishing you the blessing of peace all the days of your life.....and joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Unity World Day of Prayer, Thursday, September 10, 2015
Tomorrow is Unity's World Day of Prayer for 2015. The thought this year is, "Pray up your life. Pray up the World," and "As I pray, I connect my highest thoughts with my deepest faith."
We pray for ourselves when we pray for the world, for although each of us is an individual soul, we are connected to all the other souls because we are all a part of God. He is the Source from which we came, and to which we will return.
On a daily basis, pray for peace; send out thoughts of peace; do your work with peaceful actions; speak your words peacefully. There will be peace within ourselves and within all people when each of us does his or her part. Be the one who chooses to live in peace, and that peace will spread to all those whose lives you touch, and those whose lives they touch, etc., until peace is all there is.
Wishing you the blessing of peace all the days of your life.....and joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Monday, September 7, 2015
My father's advice.
Monday, September 7, 2015
Today's thought: My father's advice.
Today is the anniversary of my father's passing from the physical world into the world of light.
His advice is as relevant today as it was when he gave it to me many, many years ago. In his memory, I want to reprint the blog I originally printed on Father's Day, 2014.
"My father was a part of my life for only nineteen years. He died of a terminal illness a few months after my nineteenth birthday. He worked very hard to care for us, and we were fortunate to have him. The thing I remember most were his hands, calloused and rough from working in the construction trades and, to me, they were beautiful; the visible result of the work he did to care for us.
'I remember several times in the years before he died, asking his advice on what should I do in the situations I was not sure about. "Do what makes you happy," was his answer. Not 'do what is expected.' or ' this is what you should do,' or 'what will others think if you follow your heart?' but 'do what makes you happy.'
'Decades of my life would go by before I would fully understand the wisdom of those words. When we do what makes us happy, we are following our heart's desire, listening to our inner guidance, fulfilling our life's purpose. When we do what makes us happy, we are content and peaceful within ourselves, and able to share those feelings with others.
'When my father died, I lost a father, a friend, and an ally. But I remember his advice and hope you will. too.
Listen to your inner guidance; follow your heart; and do what makes you happy."
Peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2014/2015
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Today's thought: My father's advice.
Today is the anniversary of my father's passing from the physical world into the world of light.
His advice is as relevant today as it was when he gave it to me many, many years ago. In his memory, I want to reprint the blog I originally printed on Father's Day, 2014.
"My father was a part of my life for only nineteen years. He died of a terminal illness a few months after my nineteenth birthday. He worked very hard to care for us, and we were fortunate to have him. The thing I remember most were his hands, calloused and rough from working in the construction trades and, to me, they were beautiful; the visible result of the work he did to care for us.
'I remember several times in the years before he died, asking his advice on what should I do in the situations I was not sure about. "Do what makes you happy," was his answer. Not 'do what is expected.' or ' this is what you should do,' or 'what will others think if you follow your heart?' but 'do what makes you happy.'
'Decades of my life would go by before I would fully understand the wisdom of those words. When we do what makes us happy, we are following our heart's desire, listening to our inner guidance, fulfilling our life's purpose. When we do what makes us happy, we are content and peaceful within ourselves, and able to share those feelings with others.
'When my father died, I lost a father, a friend, and an ally. But I remember his advice and hope you will. too.
Listen to your inner guidance; follow your heart; and do what makes you happy."
Peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2014/2015
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Sunday, September 6, 2015
Intent is everything.
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Today's thought: Intent is everything.
It is our intent that triggers our emotions that set the cosmic law of cause and effect into motion. And whatever our intent may be, for better or for worse, that is what will be returned to us.
We may unwillingly, but with an outward smile, do something for someone. What registers in the body, and the chemicals that the brain releases in response to our emotions, is the unwillingness and what will be returned to us, at some future date, is unwillingness from someone else. It is the intent that sets the wheels in motion.
There are some spiritual teachers who tell us there is no such thing as a mistake, as all choices and all actions, with their respective consequences, will show us what is to our benefit, and what is not. We come to this planet to learn and to grow in unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, generosity of the spirit, beauty of the soul, and all those qualities that God possesses. The purpose of life is spiritual growth and development that we may return to the God who gave us life, more like Him in every way.
Wishing you the blessing of the realization that we gain everything when we choose God's laws as our guide.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Intent is everything.
It is our intent that triggers our emotions that set the cosmic law of cause and effect into motion. And whatever our intent may be, for better or for worse, that is what will be returned to us.
We may unwillingly, but with an outward smile, do something for someone. What registers in the body, and the chemicals that the brain releases in response to our emotions, is the unwillingness and what will be returned to us, at some future date, is unwillingness from someone else. It is the intent that sets the wheels in motion.
There are some spiritual teachers who tell us there is no such thing as a mistake, as all choices and all actions, with their respective consequences, will show us what is to our benefit, and what is not. We come to this planet to learn and to grow in unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, generosity of the spirit, beauty of the soul, and all those qualities that God possesses. The purpose of life is spiritual growth and development that we may return to the God who gave us life, more like Him in every way.
Wishing you the blessing of the realization that we gain everything when we choose God's laws as our guide.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Friday, September 4, 2015
The end result.
Friday, September 4, 2015
Today's thought: The end result.
Everything that is, is the end result of all that went before. There are no accidents or chance encounters. A flower blooms because a seed was planted, nurtured and watered. A 'random act of kindness' is the end result of someone who is essentially kind choosing to extend that kindness to others.
Whoever we are and wherever we are is the end result of all the choices that were made for us when we were young, and all the choices we have made for ourselves since we were old enough to do so. This is why, over and over, teachers tell us how important it is to make the wisest choices we can in all situations of our lives. Every choice matters because every choice has consequences. We are the living, breathing end result of all our choices, and our faces and bodies reflect those choices.
Now, if where you are isn't exactly where you would like to be, this may sound like bad news; but the good news is, and there is always good news, you can change your choices and change your life. When we change our minds, we change our lives. When we change our choices, we change our lives. When we do the best we can in any situation, the end result will be the best for us at that time.
Wishing you the blessing of knowing all things are possible to those who believe they are.....and peace, joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: The end result.
Everything that is, is the end result of all that went before. There are no accidents or chance encounters. A flower blooms because a seed was planted, nurtured and watered. A 'random act of kindness' is the end result of someone who is essentially kind choosing to extend that kindness to others.
Whoever we are and wherever we are is the end result of all the choices that were made for us when we were young, and all the choices we have made for ourselves since we were old enough to do so. This is why, over and over, teachers tell us how important it is to make the wisest choices we can in all situations of our lives. Every choice matters because every choice has consequences. We are the living, breathing end result of all our choices, and our faces and bodies reflect those choices.
Now, if where you are isn't exactly where you would like to be, this may sound like bad news; but the good news is, and there is always good news, you can change your choices and change your life. When we change our minds, we change our lives. When we change our choices, we change our lives. When we do the best we can in any situation, the end result will be the best for us at that time.
Wishing you the blessing of knowing all things are possible to those who believe they are.....and peace, joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Better or worse.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Today's thought: Better or worse.
At the end of the day, ask yourself if you have made your life better or worse by the thoughts, words and actions you chose this day. Was someone's attitude, someone's sense of self-esteem, someone's life made better or worse by your words and actions today.
Take time and quietly reflect if your spiritual growth was helped or hindered by your choices today. Be kind and gentle with yourself; tomorrow is another day to live and grow in Spirit, benefitting yourself most of all, and all of humanity, by extension.
Wishing you the blessing of spiritual sight, that you may look out and see only love, only joy, only peace; and may you have the blessing of forgiving and being forgiven
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Better or worse.
At the end of the day, ask yourself if you have made your life better or worse by the thoughts, words and actions you chose this day. Was someone's attitude, someone's sense of self-esteem, someone's life made better or worse by your words and actions today.
Take time and quietly reflect if your spiritual growth was helped or hindered by your choices today. Be kind and gentle with yourself; tomorrow is another day to live and grow in Spirit, benefitting yourself most of all, and all of humanity, by extension.
Wishing you the blessing of spiritual sight, that you may look out and see only love, only joy, only peace; and may you have the blessing of forgiving and being forgiven
Copyright 2015
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Monday, August 31, 2015
A Peaceful Life.
Monday, August 31, 2015
Today's thought: A Peaceful Life.
My peaceful life begins with me. Your peaceful life begins with you. We cannot have peace within ourselves without peaceful thoughts, words, actions, and reactions. There cannot be peace within countries or between countries until its citizens have peace within themselves.
Life is like a garden. If we want to be able to pick flowers, we need to plant flower seeds, water them, nurture them, encourage them to grow. No one ever planted weeds and gathered flowers, and no one ever will. You will have peace within yourself when you plant the seeds of peaceful thoughts, peaceful words, peaceful actions and reactions.
Peace doesn't come from the outside in. It will not, one day in the future, magically happen between individuals and/or countries and then we will all live in peace. Peace begins within each of us and spreads outward towards our families, friends, neighbors, etc. If you want to live a peaceful life, you must lead a peaceful life. Where there is peace, miracles happen.
Wishing you the blessing of a peaceful life.....and joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: A Peaceful Life.
My peaceful life begins with me. Your peaceful life begins with you. We cannot have peace within ourselves without peaceful thoughts, words, actions, and reactions. There cannot be peace within countries or between countries until its citizens have peace within themselves.
Life is like a garden. If we want to be able to pick flowers, we need to plant flower seeds, water them, nurture them, encourage them to grow. No one ever planted weeds and gathered flowers, and no one ever will. You will have peace within yourself when you plant the seeds of peaceful thoughts, peaceful words, peaceful actions and reactions.
Peace doesn't come from the outside in. It will not, one day in the future, magically happen between individuals and/or countries and then we will all live in peace. Peace begins within each of us and spreads outward towards our families, friends, neighbors, etc. If you want to live a peaceful life, you must lead a peaceful life. Where there is peace, miracles happen.
Wishing you the blessing of a peaceful life.....and joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Be kind.
Wednesday, August 26, 2016
Today's thought: Be kind.
Be kind to yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself as you would treat your very best friend, and the kindness within you will grow and grow and then spill out to all others whose lives you touch. It is impossible to share with others what we do not ourselves possess.
Be kind to yourself; your health and happiness will grow. Be kind to yourself; your sense of calmness and serenity will grow. Be kind to yourself; you are a beloved child of God, worthy of kindness. Therefore, be kind to yourself.
Wishing you all the blessings nearest your heart.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Be kind.
Be kind to yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself as you would treat your very best friend, and the kindness within you will grow and grow and then spill out to all others whose lives you touch. It is impossible to share with others what we do not ourselves possess.
Be kind to yourself; your health and happiness will grow. Be kind to yourself; your sense of calmness and serenity will grow. Be kind to yourself; you are a beloved child of God, worthy of kindness. Therefore, be kind to yourself.
Wishing you all the blessings nearest your heart.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Today's thought: Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves. Forgiveness, of self and of others, is essential to our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies.
Anger towards ourselves or others triggers destructive chemicals to be released in the brain and circulate in the blood stream. Anger shuts the door on positive thoughts, feelings, words and actions. It is impossible to be happy when we are feeling angry, so anger shuts the door on our own happiness.
Forgiveness does not mean that we condone the words or action, forgiveness is understanding that, regardless of appearances, we are all doing the best we can at any given moment in time. It is understanding that when we know better, we will act better.
Remember the words of Jesus on the cross, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." He meant that literally.
In the 'Our Father' prayer, we speak the words, "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." We are actually telling God to forgive us only to the extent that we forgive others. A sobering thought, indeed.
It may help in moments of anger or pain, to affirm, "Thank You, God, that You hold us all in the palm of Your hand, and I am safe."
Wishing you the blessing and the gift of forgiving yourself and others.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves. Forgiveness, of self and of others, is essential to our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies.
Anger towards ourselves or others triggers destructive chemicals to be released in the brain and circulate in the blood stream. Anger shuts the door on positive thoughts, feelings, words and actions. It is impossible to be happy when we are feeling angry, so anger shuts the door on our own happiness.
Forgiveness does not mean that we condone the words or action, forgiveness is understanding that, regardless of appearances, we are all doing the best we can at any given moment in time. It is understanding that when we know better, we will act better.
Remember the words of Jesus on the cross, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." He meant that literally.
In the 'Our Father' prayer, we speak the words, "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." We are actually telling God to forgive us only to the extent that we forgive others. A sobering thought, indeed.
It may help in moments of anger or pain, to affirm, "Thank You, God, that You hold us all in the palm of Your hand, and I am safe."
Wishing you the blessing and the gift of forgiving yourself and others.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Friday, August 14, 2015
Friday, August 14, 2015
Today's thought: Peace
I recently read, for the first time, St. Teresa's beautiful prayer for peace and want to share it with you.
"May today there be peace within you.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise, and love.
It is there for each and every one of you."
Wishing you the blessing of understanding to the outermost limits of your mind, heart, and soul, that we are all blessed and beloved children of God, and that everlasting happiness and peace is available to each of us when we open our hearts to the infinite love that God has for each of us.
Peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Peace
I recently read, for the first time, St. Teresa's beautiful prayer for peace and want to share it with you.
"May today there be peace within you.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise, and love.
It is there for each and every one of you."
Wishing you the blessing of understanding to the outermost limits of your mind, heart, and soul, that we are all blessed and beloved children of God, and that everlasting happiness and peace is available to each of us when we open our hearts to the infinite love that God has for each of us.
Peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Tuesday, August 11, 2015
A greater power.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Today's thought: A greater power.
"A greater power knows our true need. If only you could remember the assurance made to you by the Son that your Father knows your need; that your Creator has so planned your life that only ultimate good awaits you, not ultimate pain and sorrow! You will learn in time to have faith in your Creator, for experience will teach you that good comes out of every bitter experience and that nothing is as bad as you fear."
These encouraging, comforting words are from the White Eagle book, "Further Steps on a Spiritual Path."
Wishing you the blessing of knowing, in your mind and heart, that all is working for your greater good. All of life's experiences are meant to make us more loving, peaceful, compassionate, and generous in spirit. May you always live in perfect peace, joy, and love.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: A greater power.
"A greater power knows our true need. If only you could remember the assurance made to you by the Son that your Father knows your need; that your Creator has so planned your life that only ultimate good awaits you, not ultimate pain and sorrow! You will learn in time to have faith in your Creator, for experience will teach you that good comes out of every bitter experience and that nothing is as bad as you fear."
These encouraging, comforting words are from the White Eagle book, "Further Steps on a Spiritual Path."
Wishing you the blessing of knowing, in your mind and heart, that all is working for your greater good. All of life's experiences are meant to make us more loving, peaceful, compassionate, and generous in spirit. May you always live in perfect peace, joy, and love.
Copyright 2015
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Friday, August 7, 2015
Live tranquilly in God.
Friday, August 7, 2015
Today's thought is from the White Eagle book of wisdom, "The Quiet Mind."
"Live tranquilly in God. Patience really means confidence in God, knowing God's angels have you in their care. God, the Great Spirit, is all around you and in you and is working out a wise and beautiful purpose in your soul. Do not live with the feeling that you must get over the ground as quickly as possible to reach a certain point. Just live every moment, every hour, every day, tranquilly in the protective love of God, taking the hours as they come and doing one thing at a time, quietly."
May the blessings of peace and tranquility live within you every moment of your lives, and may you quietly inspire others to live in peace.
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Today's thought is from the White Eagle book of wisdom, "The Quiet Mind."
"Live tranquilly in God. Patience really means confidence in God, knowing God's angels have you in their care. God, the Great Spirit, is all around you and in you and is working out a wise and beautiful purpose in your soul. Do not live with the feeling that you must get over the ground as quickly as possible to reach a certain point. Just live every moment, every hour, every day, tranquilly in the protective love of God, taking the hours as they come and doing one thing at a time, quietly."
May the blessings of peace and tranquility live within you every moment of your lives, and may you quietly inspire others to live in peace.
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Wednesday, August 5, 2015
One in a million.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Today's thought: One in a million.
Do you remember when someone complimented you by saying that you were 'one in a million,' and how special that made you feel? Well, how special would you feel if someone said you were one in seven billion?
There are approximately seven billion people on the planet today and there is no one who is exactly like you. No one will have the same events and opportunities that you will. No one else will think as you do or have the same creativity flowing within them. No one else will have your thoughts, words, actions, and reactions and no one else will benefit from them in the same way that you do.
You are a unique and very special individual. You are one in seven billion! Be the best you can be. Live your best possible life and you will reap the rewards that are waiting just for you.
Wishing you all the blessings your heart can hold.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
Today's thought: One in a million.
Do you remember when someone complimented you by saying that you were 'one in a million,' and how special that made you feel? Well, how special would you feel if someone said you were one in seven billion?
There are approximately seven billion people on the planet today and there is no one who is exactly like you. No one will have the same events and opportunities that you will. No one else will think as you do or have the same creativity flowing within them. No one else will have your thoughts, words, actions, and reactions and no one else will benefit from them in the same way that you do.
You are a unique and very special individual. You are one in seven billion! Be the best you can be. Live your best possible life and you will reap the rewards that are waiting just for you.
Wishing you all the blessings your heart can hold.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Every drop of water...
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Today's thought: Every drop of water...
It takes every drop of water to fill a glass, with no drop being more or less important than any other drop. It takes each of us, doing the best we can each day, to keep our world functioning at its best. Each of us is important to the whole. Remember that you are as important as anyone else for the health and happiness of the planet, live accordingly, and smile. The smile begun by you and passed on to others can circle the globe.
Wishing you reasons to smile every day of your lives.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Every drop of water...
It takes every drop of water to fill a glass, with no drop being more or less important than any other drop. It takes each of us, doing the best we can each day, to keep our world functioning at its best. Each of us is important to the whole. Remember that you are as important as anyone else for the health and happiness of the planet, live accordingly, and smile. The smile begun by you and passed on to others can circle the globe.
Wishing you reasons to smile every day of your lives.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Sunday, July 26, 2015
Giving and receiving.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Today's thought: Giving and receiving.
Most of us have been taught to give to others, but seldom taught how to graciously receive whatever others might give to us.
We give because there is joy in giving, in seeing the surprise and smile on the other person's face. In order for us to experience this joy, there must be someone willing to receive. When we practice both, we will experience a greater degree of satisfaction with life in general, and our own lives in particular.
Wishing you the blessings of graciously giving and graciously receiving.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Copyright 2015
Today's thought: Giving and receiving.
Most of us have been taught to give to others, but seldom taught how to graciously receive whatever others might give to us.
We give because there is joy in giving, in seeing the surprise and smile on the other person's face. In order for us to experience this joy, there must be someone willing to receive. When we practice both, we will experience a greater degree of satisfaction with life in general, and our own lives in particular.
Wishing you the blessings of graciously giving and graciously receiving.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Copyright 2015
Monday, July 20, 2015
Daily Prayer
Monday, July 20, 2015
Today's thought: Daily Prayer
The following daily prayer, written by St. Francis of Assisi, was given to me by a friend and I would like to share its peace and beauty with you.
"Lord, help me to live this day quietly, easily,
To lean upon Thy great strength trustfully, restfully,
To wait for the unfolding of Thy will, patiently, serenely,
To meet others peacefully, joyously,
To face tomorrow confidently, courageously."
May you experience all these blessings on a daily basis.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
P.S Many, many thanks to all who visit this site and share it with others. I am deeply appreciative of your kindness.
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Today's thought: Daily Prayer
The following daily prayer, written by St. Francis of Assisi, was given to me by a friend and I would like to share its peace and beauty with you.
"Lord, help me to live this day quietly, easily,
To lean upon Thy great strength trustfully, restfully,
To wait for the unfolding of Thy will, patiently, serenely,
To meet others peacefully, joyously,
To face tomorrow confidently, courageously."
May you experience all these blessings on a daily basis.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
P.S Many, many thanks to all who visit this site and share it with others. I am deeply appreciative of your kindness.
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Friday, July 3, 2015
Caring for self.
Friday, July 3, 2015
Today's thought: Caring for self.
To care for one's self is so important and not always encouraged. Unity's Daily Word for July 1 explains this so beautifully, that I wanted to share it with you.
"I honor God by caring for myself. As fast as life goes sometimes, I may find it difficult to stop, rest, and take care of myself. I may feel pressured to do things for others and keep a hectic pace to meet their requests I remember the lyrics of a country song, "I'm in a hurry to get things done. Oh, I rush and rush until life's no fun."
'I stop hurrying and care for myself. The most important person to focus on is me. Caring for myself is honoring Spirit within. I rest, breathe, and step away from pressures or worries. I take time to connect with God through prayer and meditation. I also take time for fun!
'Caring for myself does not take away from my ability to care for others. It energizes me and strengthens my relationship with God. I honor God by caring for myself."
Wishing you blessings beyond number.....and peace, joy, and love always.
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Today's thought: Caring for self.
To care for one's self is so important and not always encouraged. Unity's Daily Word for July 1 explains this so beautifully, that I wanted to share it with you.
"I honor God by caring for myself. As fast as life goes sometimes, I may find it difficult to stop, rest, and take care of myself. I may feel pressured to do things for others and keep a hectic pace to meet their requests I remember the lyrics of a country song, "I'm in a hurry to get things done. Oh, I rush and rush until life's no fun."
'I stop hurrying and care for myself. The most important person to focus on is me. Caring for myself is honoring Spirit within. I rest, breathe, and step away from pressures or worries. I take time to connect with God through prayer and meditation. I also take time for fun!
'Caring for myself does not take away from my ability to care for others. It energizes me and strengthens my relationship with God. I honor God by caring for myself."
Wishing you blessings beyond number.....and peace, joy, and love always.
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Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Look for the good.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Today's thought: Look for the good.
They say there is a little bit of bad in the best of us and a little bit of good in the worst.
This is also true for all situations. No matter how things may seem to be at the time, there is always something good that can come from it. Make it a habit to look for the good and build on that, for whatever we focus on multiplies.
Wishing for you all the blessings that will come when you begin to look for the good everywhere.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Look for the good.
They say there is a little bit of bad in the best of us and a little bit of good in the worst.
This is also true for all situations. No matter how things may seem to be at the time, there is always something good that can come from it. Make it a habit to look for the good and build on that, for whatever we focus on multiplies.
Wishing for you all the blessings that will come when you begin to look for the good everywhere.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Wednesday, June 17, 2015
The power of love.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Today's thought: The power of love.
"Love in the human soul is the greatest power in matter. Demonstrate the power of love for one morning in your home, your shop, your office, wherever your work takes you. Demonstrate - not by telling everyone that you love them, that is not the way - but by holding a steady thought of their God-qualities, by always seeing the good in every condition, striving always for beauty of speech or action or thought."
White Eagle Weekly Wisdom
Wishing you the blessing of realizing the power of love.....and peace and joy, always.
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Today's thought: The power of love.
"Love in the human soul is the greatest power in matter. Demonstrate the power of love for one morning in your home, your shop, your office, wherever your work takes you. Demonstrate - not by telling everyone that you love them, that is not the way - but by holding a steady thought of their God-qualities, by always seeing the good in every condition, striving always for beauty of speech or action or thought."
White Eagle Weekly Wisdom
Wishing you the blessing of realizing the power of love.....and peace and joy, always.
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Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Trust yourself.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Today's thought: Trust yourself.
From the writings of The Buddha:
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
Trust your instincts, your intuition, your own Inner Guidance. It will reveal your own individual path to enlightenment.
Wishing you the blessing of a beautiful, peaceful, day filled with what matters most to you.....and love and joy, always.
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Today's thought: Trust yourself.
From the writings of The Buddha:
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
Trust your instincts, your intuition, your own Inner Guidance. It will reveal your own individual path to enlightenment.
Wishing you the blessing of a beautiful, peaceful, day filled with what matters most to you.....and love and joy, always.
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Monday, June 8, 2015
Along the way.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Today's thought: Along the way
From the writings of Abraham:
"You can never have a happy ending at the end of an unhappy journey. It just doesn't work out that way. The way you're feeling, along the way, is the way you're continuing to pre-pave your journey, and it's the way it's going to continue to turn out until you do something about the way you're feeling."
We alone choose the thoughts we think, that turn into feelings, that turn into actions and reactions; so it is in our own best interests to choose better-feeling thoughts as much as we possibly can. A part of what we do every day is the result of habit and it can become habitual to think the worst of everything that happens in our daily lives. When we choose better thoughts, we choose better lives.
Wishing you blessings beyond your wildest dreams.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Along the way
From the writings of Abraham:
"You can never have a happy ending at the end of an unhappy journey. It just doesn't work out that way. The way you're feeling, along the way, is the way you're continuing to pre-pave your journey, and it's the way it's going to continue to turn out until you do something about the way you're feeling."
We alone choose the thoughts we think, that turn into feelings, that turn into actions and reactions; so it is in our own best interests to choose better-feeling thoughts as much as we possibly can. A part of what we do every day is the result of habit and it can become habitual to think the worst of everything that happens in our daily lives. When we choose better thoughts, we choose better lives.
Wishing you blessings beyond your wildest dreams.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Tuesday, June 2, 2015
All the days
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Today's thought: All the days.
May today and all the days of your life be filled with kindness, courage, love, peace, and joy. May all of life's most precious blessings fill your mind and your heart to overflowing.
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Today's thought: All the days.
May today and all the days of your life be filled with kindness, courage, love, peace, and joy. May all of life's most precious blessings fill your mind and your heart to overflowing.
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Friday, May 29, 2015
Whatever we say
Friday, May 29, 2015
Today's thought: Whatever we say
Take a moment to reflect on the fact that whatever we say, we say to ourselves first. The brain releases healthy or stressful chemicals that will flow throughout our bodies, depending on the state of our emotions at the time. There may we times we may be able to fool others, if that is our wish, but we can never fool our brain that reacts and reflects automatically to thoughts, words, actions and events.
We can never hurt anyone without hurting ourselves first. And we can never help anyone without helping ourselves first. It is in our own best interests to practice peace, and it is in the best interests of the planet and all who live on it, that we practice peace. Be kind. We are, all of us, in need of kindness every day of our lives.
Wishing you the blessings of a peaceful and productive life.....and joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Whatever we say
Take a moment to reflect on the fact that whatever we say, we say to ourselves first. The brain releases healthy or stressful chemicals that will flow throughout our bodies, depending on the state of our emotions at the time. There may we times we may be able to fool others, if that is our wish, but we can never fool our brain that reacts and reflects automatically to thoughts, words, actions and events.
We can never hurt anyone without hurting ourselves first. And we can never help anyone without helping ourselves first. It is in our own best interests to practice peace, and it is in the best interests of the planet and all who live on it, that we practice peace. Be kind. We are, all of us, in need of kindness every day of our lives.
Wishing you the blessings of a peaceful and productive life.....and joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Monday, May 18, 2015
Monday, May 18, 2015
Today's thought: Love
When many of us think of love, we think of loving and caring for others. It is equally, if not more important that we accept and love ourselves, just as we are at the moment, unconditionally. Love is the great healer and as we love and heal ourselves, we are better able to love and help heal others.
At the end of Louise L. Hay's beautiful book, "Heal Your Body, A-Z," she has written a 'loving treatment' for all of us. It would be in all our best interests to read, reread and practice this beautiful message until the words are ingrained in our minds and hearts.
Loving Treatment
"Deep at the Center of My Being, there is an infinite well of love. I now allow this love to flow to the surface. It fills my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness, my very being and radiates out from me in all directions and returns to me multiplied. The more love I use and give, the more I have to give; the supply is endless. The use of love makes Me Feel Good; it is an expression of my inner joy.
'I love myself; therefore I take loving care of my body. I lovingly feed it nourishing foods and beverages. I lovingly groom it and dress it, and my body lovingly responds to me with vibrant health and energy.
'I love myself; therefore, I provide for myself a comfortable home, one that fills all my needs and is a pleasure to be in. I fill the rooms with the vibration of love so that all who enter, myself included, will feel this love and be nourished by it.
'I love myself; therefore, I work at a job that I truly enjoy doing, one that uses my creative talents and abilities, working with and for people whom I love and who love me, and earning a good income.
'I love myself; therefore, I behave and think in a loving way to all people, for I know that that which I give out returns to me multiplied. I only attract loving people in my world, for they are a mirror of what I am.
'I love myself; therefore, I forgive and totally release the past and all past experiences, and I am free.
'I love myself; therefore, I live totally in the now, experiencing each moment as good and knowing that my future is bright and joyous and secure, for I am a beloved child of the Universe, and the Universe lovingly takes care of me now and forevermore. And, so it is." Louise L. Hay
May your minds and hearts be filled to overflowing with peace, joy, and love, both for yourselves and for others.
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Today's thought: Love
When many of us think of love, we think of loving and caring for others. It is equally, if not more important that we accept and love ourselves, just as we are at the moment, unconditionally. Love is the great healer and as we love and heal ourselves, we are better able to love and help heal others.
At the end of Louise L. Hay's beautiful book, "Heal Your Body, A-Z," she has written a 'loving treatment' for all of us. It would be in all our best interests to read, reread and practice this beautiful message until the words are ingrained in our minds and hearts.
Loving Treatment
"Deep at the Center of My Being, there is an infinite well of love. I now allow this love to flow to the surface. It fills my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness, my very being and radiates out from me in all directions and returns to me multiplied. The more love I use and give, the more I have to give; the supply is endless. The use of love makes Me Feel Good; it is an expression of my inner joy.
'I love myself; therefore I take loving care of my body. I lovingly feed it nourishing foods and beverages. I lovingly groom it and dress it, and my body lovingly responds to me with vibrant health and energy.
'I love myself; therefore, I provide for myself a comfortable home, one that fills all my needs and is a pleasure to be in. I fill the rooms with the vibration of love so that all who enter, myself included, will feel this love and be nourished by it.
'I love myself; therefore, I work at a job that I truly enjoy doing, one that uses my creative talents and abilities, working with and for people whom I love and who love me, and earning a good income.
'I love myself; therefore, I behave and think in a loving way to all people, for I know that that which I give out returns to me multiplied. I only attract loving people in my world, for they are a mirror of what I am.
'I love myself; therefore, I forgive and totally release the past and all past experiences, and I am free.
'I love myself; therefore, I live totally in the now, experiencing each moment as good and knowing that my future is bright and joyous and secure, for I am a beloved child of the Universe, and the Universe lovingly takes care of me now and forevermore. And, so it is." Louise L. Hay
May your minds and hearts be filled to overflowing with peace, joy, and love, both for yourselves and for others.
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Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Today's thought: Promises
From Unity, promises to make to yourself:
"I promise myself to be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind;
to talk health, happiness, and prosperity;
to make my friends feel like there is something in them;
to look on the sunny side of everything;
to think only of the best;
to be as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own;
to forget the mistakes of the past and profit by them;
to wear a cheerful countenance and give a smile to everyone I meet;
to be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble."
Wishing for you all the blessings contained in the promises.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Today's thought: Promises
From Unity, promises to make to yourself:
"I promise myself to be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind;
to talk health, happiness, and prosperity;
to make my friends feel like there is something in them;
to look on the sunny side of everything;
to think only of the best;
to be as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own;
to forget the mistakes of the past and profit by them;
to wear a cheerful countenance and give a smile to everyone I meet;
to be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble."
Wishing for you all the blessings contained in the promises.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Sunday, May 10, 2015
Mother's Day
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Happy Mother's Day!
Let us be grateful for all those who played the role of mother in our lives, who cared enough to guide us into adulthood. Let us remember them in our minds, hearts, and prayers, today and always.
Wishing all mothers and those who took on the mother role all the blessings your hearts can hold.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Happy Mother's Day!
Let us be grateful for all those who played the role of mother in our lives, who cared enough to guide us into adulthood. Let us remember them in our minds, hearts, and prayers, today and always.
Wishing all mothers and those who took on the mother role all the blessings your hearts can hold.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Not everyone comes to stay.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Today's thought: Not everyone comes to stay.
Sometimes friendships and relationships end before we feel we are ready to let them go. If/when this happens in your life, and you feel unhappy about it, remember that we are here to learn from one another and to grow in wisdom. Be grateful for how that relationship enriched your life, what you learned from that experience, and then let it go. Not everyone comes into our lives to stay for the rest of our lives. With an open mind and heart, those who can best enrich our lives will be drawn to us, and we will be attracted to those who are the best for us at that time. Wisely choose those with whom you interact; those experiences become a part of who you are.
I sincerely wish only the very best for all of you, that your daily lives may be filled with joy, peace, and love.
Let the past go - that ship has sailed - and so have you, to a better space and place. Make the most of it.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Not everyone comes to stay.
Sometimes friendships and relationships end before we feel we are ready to let them go. If/when this happens in your life, and you feel unhappy about it, remember that we are here to learn from one another and to grow in wisdom. Be grateful for how that relationship enriched your life, what you learned from that experience, and then let it go. Not everyone comes into our lives to stay for the rest of our lives. With an open mind and heart, those who can best enrich our lives will be drawn to us, and we will be attracted to those who are the best for us at that time. Wisely choose those with whom you interact; those experiences become a part of who you are.
I sincerely wish only the very best for all of you, that your daily lives may be filled with joy, peace, and love.
Let the past go - that ship has sailed - and so have you, to a better space and place. Make the most of it.
Copyright 2015
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Sunday, May 3, 2015
World Laughter Day
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Today we celebrate World Laughter Day. Laughter is beneficial to both our mental and physical health, and I hope you will all find reasons to laugh today and every day. I am posting, once again, the lovely poem by Serene S. West:
Laughter is a melody -
A concert from the heart -
A tickling by the angels -
Creative living art.
Laughter heals and comforts
It's sometimes gentle - sometimes bold.
Laughter is a freeing dance
Performed with the soul.
Serene S. West
Wishing you the gift of laughter.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Today we celebrate World Laughter Day. Laughter is beneficial to both our mental and physical health, and I hope you will all find reasons to laugh today and every day. I am posting, once again, the lovely poem by Serene S. West:
Laughter is a melody -
A concert from the heart -
A tickling by the angels -
Creative living art.
Laughter heals and comforts
It's sometimes gentle - sometimes bold.
Laughter is a freeing dance
Performed with the soul.
Serene S. West
Wishing you the gift of laughter.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Sunday, April 26, 2015
Sunday, April 26, 2015
From the writings of Henri Nouwen:
"Each day holds a surprise. But only if we expect it can we see, hear, or feel it when it comes to us. Let's not be afraid to receive each day's surprise, whether it comes to us as sorrow or as joy. It will open a new place in our hearts, a place where we can welcome new friends and celebrate more fully our shared humanity."
Wishing that each day's surprise holds many new blessings for you.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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From the writings of Henri Nouwen:
"Each day holds a surprise. But only if we expect it can we see, hear, or feel it when it comes to us. Let's not be afraid to receive each day's surprise, whether it comes to us as sorrow or as joy. It will open a new place in our hearts, a place where we can welcome new friends and celebrate more fully our shared humanity."
Wishing that each day's surprise holds many new blessings for you.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Thursday, April 23, 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Today's thought: Peace
From Hebrews 12:14:
"Pursue peace with everyone, and the holiness without which no one will see the Lord."
Let us be at peace with ourselves and with our surroundings, that others may emulate us and peace will prevail.
Wishing you the blessings of peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Peace
From Hebrews 12:14:
"Pursue peace with everyone, and the holiness without which no one will see the Lord."
Let us be at peace with ourselves and with our surroundings, that others may emulate us and peace will prevail.
Wishing you the blessings of peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Wednesday, April 22, 2015
An honorable life.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Today's thought: An honorable life.
Choose to live an honorable life. In all you do and say, take the high road, avoid the crowd.
Wishing you all the blessings your heart and mind can hold.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: An honorable life.
Choose to live an honorable life. In all you do and say, take the high road, avoid the crowd.
Wishing you all the blessings your heart and mind can hold.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Today's thought: Changes
From the writings of White Eagle:
"Accept with peaceful mind the changes and upheavals, seeing in all these things the gradual permeation of the light. The light is bringing changes, and you must move forward with these changes, knowing in your spirit that all things work together for good. Do not concern yourselves unduly with superficial effects on the earth, but concern yourselves wholly with the God-purpose in life."
The more we focus on the light within ourselves, the God light, the spirit within, and seek to live an honorable life, the more light we bring to civilization as a whole. When enough of us choose the light to make this planet a better place for all, the planet and all of life will be transformed.
Wishing you the blessing of choosing to be a being of light.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Changes
From the writings of White Eagle:
"Accept with peaceful mind the changes and upheavals, seeing in all these things the gradual permeation of the light. The light is bringing changes, and you must move forward with these changes, knowing in your spirit that all things work together for good. Do not concern yourselves unduly with superficial effects on the earth, but concern yourselves wholly with the God-purpose in life."
The more we focus on the light within ourselves, the God light, the spirit within, and seek to live an honorable life, the more light we bring to civilization as a whole. When enough of us choose the light to make this planet a better place for all, the planet and all of life will be transformed.
Wishing you the blessing of choosing to be a being of light.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Saturday, April 11, 2015
On the way.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Today's thought: On the way.
From the writings of Abraham:
"You're always on your way somewhere. The key is: find a way to be happy wherever you now are, on your way to where you really want to be. (We're speaking of the state of being you want). It does not matter where you are; where you are is shifting constantly - but you must turn your attention to where you want to go. And that's the difference between making the best of something and making the worst of something."
Wishing you the blessing of always choosing to make the best of something.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Today's thought: On the way.
From the writings of Abraham:
"You're always on your way somewhere. The key is: find a way to be happy wherever you now are, on your way to where you really want to be. (We're speaking of the state of being you want). It does not matter where you are; where you are is shifting constantly - but you must turn your attention to where you want to go. And that's the difference between making the best of something and making the worst of something."
Wishing you the blessing of always choosing to make the best of something.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Thursday, April 9, 2015
No mistakes.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Today's thought: No mistakes.
When we are doing the best we can in any given situation, with the knowledge we have at that time, there can be no mistakes. There can only be learning experiences.
Wishing you the blessing of a calm and peaceful mind and heart, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: No mistakes.
When we are doing the best we can in any given situation, with the knowledge we have at that time, there can be no mistakes. There can only be learning experiences.
Wishing you the blessing of a calm and peaceful mind and heart, always.
Copyright 2015
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Sunday, March 29, 2015
Spiritual identity.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
From the writings of Fr. Henri Nouwen:
"Spiritual identity means we are not what we do or what people say about us. And we are not what we have. We are the beloved daughters and sons of God."
We are children of God, children of Light. Let us remember that always and think, speak, and act accordingly.
Wishing you the blessing of being aware of all the blessings poured down upon us.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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From the writings of Fr. Henri Nouwen:
"Spiritual identity means we are not what we do or what people say about us. And we are not what we have. We are the beloved daughters and sons of God."
We are children of God, children of Light. Let us remember that always and think, speak, and act accordingly.
Wishing you the blessing of being aware of all the blessings poured down upon us.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Friday, March 27, 2015
Friday, March 27, 2015
From the writings of White Eagle: Wisdom
"When you learn to love, wisdom grows within you. We always couple wisdom and love, because true love brings wisdom. You cannot separate wisdom from love. To love truly is to put the spiritual good, the growth, and the evolution of your brother or sister first. You want to see him or her growing in spirit, in character, in strength of purpose. And to this end you give your all."
Wishing you the blessings of wisdom and love......and peace, always.
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From the writings of White Eagle: Wisdom
"When you learn to love, wisdom grows within you. We always couple wisdom and love, because true love brings wisdom. You cannot separate wisdom from love. To love truly is to put the spiritual good, the growth, and the evolution of your brother or sister first. You want to see him or her growing in spirit, in character, in strength of purpose. And to this end you give your all."
Wishing you the blessings of wisdom and love......and peace, always.
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Monday, March 9, 2015
Blessings, all.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Today's thought: Blessings, all.
All that we have, all that we are, and all that we ever will be are all blessings. Accepting who we are attracts the qualities we desire to become who we want to be. Contentment attracts contentment; discontent attracts discontent. When we consider life and all we can do because we are alive, we realize that we live in a shower of blessings each and every moment. Be aware; be grateful; and live your best possible life. We have the gift of free will and, therefore, choice.
Wishing you the awareness of all the blessings that pour down upon us every moment of our lives.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
P.S. Some years ago, I read a quote of Leonardo DaVinci that said once in a while we should go away from our work that we might view it more objectively. And this is what I plan to do for a few weeks. This is the 330th post on this blog and it is time for me to review what I have written, and decide how to proceed from here. While I am reviewing, you may want to do the same, scrolling back to some of the writing and quotes that particularly touched your heart.
I am so grateful to all of you who have read and followed this blog and I hope you will continue to do so. You are blessings in my life. Thank you.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Blessings, all.
All that we have, all that we are, and all that we ever will be are all blessings. Accepting who we are attracts the qualities we desire to become who we want to be. Contentment attracts contentment; discontent attracts discontent. When we consider life and all we can do because we are alive, we realize that we live in a shower of blessings each and every moment. Be aware; be grateful; and live your best possible life. We have the gift of free will and, therefore, choice.
Wishing you the awareness of all the blessings that pour down upon us every moment of our lives.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
P.S. Some years ago, I read a quote of Leonardo DaVinci that said once in a while we should go away from our work that we might view it more objectively. And this is what I plan to do for a few weeks. This is the 330th post on this blog and it is time for me to review what I have written, and decide how to proceed from here. While I am reviewing, you may want to do the same, scrolling back to some of the writing and quotes that particularly touched your heart.
I am so grateful to all of you who have read and followed this blog and I hope you will continue to do so. You are blessings in my life. Thank you.
Copyright 2015
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Sunday, March 8, 2015
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Today's thought: Encouragement
From the writings of John O'Donohue:
"There are people whose presence is encouraging. One of the most beautiful gifts in the world is the gift of encouragement. When someone encourages you, that person helps you over a threshold you might otherwise never have crossed on our own."
Let us be aware of those who need encouragement, especially children and young people. Let us be loving and supportive to others, and also to ourselves. We all need to know someone cares.
Wishing you all the blessings your lives can hold.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Today's thought: Encouragement
From the writings of John O'Donohue:
"There are people whose presence is encouraging. One of the most beautiful gifts in the world is the gift of encouragement. When someone encourages you, that person helps you over a threshold you might otherwise never have crossed on our own."
Let us be aware of those who need encouragement, especially children and young people. Let us be loving and supportive to others, and also to ourselves. We all need to know someone cares.
Wishing you all the blessings your lives can hold.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Saturday, March 7, 2015
Children of God.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Today's thought: Children of God.
From the writings of Paramahansa Yogananda:
"Make a resolution in this New Year to realize the truth that although as a mortal man you have certain habits, as a divine being you are free. Affirm again and again: "I am a child of God. I am one with God."
We are all of us, children of God; and all of us, members of His family.
Wishing you the blessing of realizing deep within your soul that we are all children of God. Let us act accordingly with peace, joy, and love.
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Today's thought: Children of God.
From the writings of Paramahansa Yogananda:
"Make a resolution in this New Year to realize the truth that although as a mortal man you have certain habits, as a divine being you are free. Affirm again and again: "I am a child of God. I am one with God."
We are all of us, children of God; and all of us, members of His family.
Wishing you the blessing of realizing deep within your soul that we are all children of God. Let us act accordingly with peace, joy, and love.
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Friday, March 6, 2015
Bless your work.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Today's thought: Bless your work.
Bless your life's work, the workplace, your co-workers, and all those who come into the building. If and when you perceive problems, view them as objectively as possible, and find calm and peaceful solutions. Do your own work and as much as possible, mind your own business. You are being paid a wage to do the best you can. Keep in mind that a company is a business, not a charitable organization. It is not there to take care of your every possible need, that is your responsibility. Learn all that you can, do your best, and bless the work that allows you to take care of yourself and pay your bills.
Wishing you all the blessings you wish for, and interesting, rewarding work.
Peace. Joy. Love,
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Bless your work.
Bless your life's work, the workplace, your co-workers, and all those who come into the building. If and when you perceive problems, view them as objectively as possible, and find calm and peaceful solutions. Do your own work and as much as possible, mind your own business. You are being paid a wage to do the best you can. Keep in mind that a company is a business, not a charitable organization. It is not there to take care of your every possible need, that is your responsibility. Learn all that you can, do your best, and bless the work that allows you to take care of yourself and pay your bills.
Wishing you all the blessings you wish for, and interesting, rewarding work.
Peace. Joy. Love,
Copyright 2015
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Thursday, March 5, 2015
I accept myself.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Today's thought: I accept myself.
From the writings of Henri Nouwen:
"The greatest trap in our life is not success, popularity or power, but self-rejection."
If we are to effect any changes in ourselves and our circumstances, we must first accept ourselves and those circumstances, view them objectively, and then decide on a course of action. Whatever mistakes we may think we made were all part of the learning-and-growing experiences of our lives. When we are able to accept ourselves, in all our humanness, we will more easily be able to accept others in theirs.
Wishing you the blessing of accepting yourself with love and understanding.....and peace and joy, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: I accept myself.
From the writings of Henri Nouwen:
"The greatest trap in our life is not success, popularity or power, but self-rejection."
If we are to effect any changes in ourselves and our circumstances, we must first accept ourselves and those circumstances, view them objectively, and then decide on a course of action. Whatever mistakes we may think we made were all part of the learning-and-growing experiences of our lives. When we are able to accept ourselves, in all our humanness, we will more easily be able to accept others in theirs.
Wishing you the blessing of accepting yourself with love and understanding.....and peace and joy, always.
Copyright 2015
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Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Food is life.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Today's thought: Food is life.
Be respectful of food. Food is life. When shopping for food, handle it gently, with respect and gratitude that someone planted the seeds and harvested it, someone transported it to the store where you shop, someone sorted the food and displayed it so that you might make your choices, and be grateful that food is available to you and you have the means to purchase it.
Be mindful of the food you choose and all those who make it possible for you to do so. Be respectful of your food and your body that will consume it. Food is life and a huge blessing. Be grateful, be respectful, and be gentle.
Wishing you the blessing of awareness of all you have, all you are, and all that you can be.
Peace. Joy. Love,
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Food is life.
Be respectful of food. Food is life. When shopping for food, handle it gently, with respect and gratitude that someone planted the seeds and harvested it, someone transported it to the store where you shop, someone sorted the food and displayed it so that you might make your choices, and be grateful that food is available to you and you have the means to purchase it.
Be mindful of the food you choose and all those who make it possible for you to do so. Be respectful of your food and your body that will consume it. Food is life and a huge blessing. Be grateful, be respectful, and be gentle.
Wishing you the blessing of awareness of all you have, all you are, and all that you can be.
Peace. Joy. Love,
Copyright 2015
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Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Each day
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Today's thought: Each day
From the writings of Fr. John O', priest, philosopher:
"May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder."
May all your days be filled with the blessings of peace, joy, and love, always.
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Today's thought: Each day
From the writings of Fr. John O', priest, philosopher:
"May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder."
May all your days be filled with the blessings of peace, joy, and love, always.
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Monday, March 2, 2015
Monday, March 2, 2015
Today's thought: Understanding
From the writings of Paulo Coelho:
"Culture makes people understand each other better. And if they understand each other better in their soul, it is easier to overcome the economic and political barriers. But first they have to understand that their neighbor is, in the end just like them, with the same problems, the same questions."
Regardless of shape, size, ethnicity, or color, we are all children of God, worthy and deserving of love and respect. The golden rule of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is always relevant, always appropriate, and always desirable.
Wishing you the blessing of understanding......and peace, joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Understanding
From the writings of Paulo Coelho:
"Culture makes people understand each other better. And if they understand each other better in their soul, it is easier to overcome the economic and political barriers. But first they have to understand that their neighbor is, in the end just like them, with the same problems, the same questions."
Regardless of shape, size, ethnicity, or color, we are all children of God, worthy and deserving of love and respect. The golden rule of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is always relevant, always appropriate, and always desirable.
Wishing you the blessing of understanding......and peace, joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Sunday, March 1, 2015
A very special person.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Today's thought: A very special person.
"There are people whom one loves and appreciates immediately and forever. Even to know they are alive in the world is quite enough." Nancy Spain
Wishing you the blessing, and the wonder, of such a person in your life.....and peace, joy and love, always.
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Today's thought: A very special person.
"There are people whom one loves and appreciates immediately and forever. Even to know they are alive in the world is quite enough." Nancy Spain
Wishing you the blessing, and the wonder, of such a person in your life.....and peace, joy and love, always.
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Saturday, February 28, 2015
The best day.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Today's thought: The best day.
From Ralph Waldo Emerson:
"Write it on your hearts that each day is the best day of the year."
When we anticipate good, we will see good, why not anticipate good?
Wishing you the blessing of every day being the best day of the year.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: The best day.
From Ralph Waldo Emerson:
"Write it on your hearts that each day is the best day of the year."
When we anticipate good, we will see good, why not anticipate good?
Wishing you the blessing of every day being the best day of the year.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Friday, February 27, 2015
Friday, February 27, 2015
Today's thought: Decisions
From Deepak Chopra, an excellent 3-step process for conscious decision making:
"Step 1: Witness the choices you make in every moment. In doing so, you bring your decision making process from the unconscious realm into the conscious realm.
'Step 2: Before making a choice, ask yourself two questions: What are the consequences of this choice that I'm making? And, will this choice bring happiness and fulfillment to me, as well as to others?
'Step 3: Tune in to your body's inner wisdom. As you consider the choice before you, pay attention to the sensations in your body and use your feelings of comfort or discomfort to guide you.
'Most of us receive the message of comfort or discomfort in the area of the heart. Some receive it in our solar plexus, (the proverbial "gut feeling").
'Putting your attention on your heart, ask your body, "How do I feel about this choice?" If your body sends a feeling of comfort and eagerness, you can plunge ahead. If your body sends a signal of physical or emotional distress, recognize that this isn't a choice that will lead you in the direction of your life's dreams. Pause and consider other possibilities until you find a choice that resonates with your heart's guidance."
Many of our choices become habitual. By following the above, we bring our choices to the conscious level, consider them carefully, and make the wisest choice we are capable of, at the time.
Wishing you the blessing of wise choices that bring you happiness.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Today's thought: Decisions
From Deepak Chopra, an excellent 3-step process for conscious decision making:
"Step 1: Witness the choices you make in every moment. In doing so, you bring your decision making process from the unconscious realm into the conscious realm.
'Step 2: Before making a choice, ask yourself two questions: What are the consequences of this choice that I'm making? And, will this choice bring happiness and fulfillment to me, as well as to others?
'Step 3: Tune in to your body's inner wisdom. As you consider the choice before you, pay attention to the sensations in your body and use your feelings of comfort or discomfort to guide you.
'Most of us receive the message of comfort or discomfort in the area of the heart. Some receive it in our solar plexus, (the proverbial "gut feeling").
'Putting your attention on your heart, ask your body, "How do I feel about this choice?" If your body sends a feeling of comfort and eagerness, you can plunge ahead. If your body sends a signal of physical or emotional distress, recognize that this isn't a choice that will lead you in the direction of your life's dreams. Pause and consider other possibilities until you find a choice that resonates with your heart's guidance."
Many of our choices become habitual. By following the above, we bring our choices to the conscious level, consider them carefully, and make the wisest choice we are capable of, at the time.
Wishing you the blessing of wise choices that bring you happiness.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Thursday, February 26, 2015
The Law of Attraction
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Today's thought: The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction, simply put, means like attracts like. We will always attract the dominant thought in our minds, words and actions. When we make the effort to align ourselves with God, with the good in the Universe, we are aligning ourselves with peace, love, joy, abundance, honesty, compassion, empathy, charity; and only good can result from those qualities. Good will always yield good; it cannot do otherwise.
Wishing you blessings in abundance.....and peace, joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction, simply put, means like attracts like. We will always attract the dominant thought in our minds, words and actions. When we make the effort to align ourselves with God, with the good in the Universe, we are aligning ourselves with peace, love, joy, abundance, honesty, compassion, empathy, charity; and only good can result from those qualities. Good will always yield good; it cannot do otherwise.
Wishing you blessings in abundance.....and peace, joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015
The mind.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Today's thought: The mind.
From the writings of Bodhidharma:
"The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included. The ignorant mind, with its infinite afflictions, passions and evils, is rooted in the three poisons: greed, anger, and delusion."
The Buddha said: "With our thoughts, we make the world."
When we choose to fill our minds with thoughts of peace, joy, love, honesty, compassion, empathy and charity, and act on these thoughts, we make better lives for ourselves in particular, for others in general, and the planet begins to heal. It all begins in the mind.
Wishing you beautiful blessings for the rest of your lives, and beyond.
Peace. Joy. Love.
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Today's thought: The mind.
From the writings of Bodhidharma:
"The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included. The ignorant mind, with its infinite afflictions, passions and evils, is rooted in the three poisons: greed, anger, and delusion."
The Buddha said: "With our thoughts, we make the world."
When we choose to fill our minds with thoughts of peace, joy, love, honesty, compassion, empathy and charity, and act on these thoughts, we make better lives for ourselves in particular, for others in general, and the planet begins to heal. It all begins in the mind.
Wishing you beautiful blessings for the rest of your lives, and beyond.
Peace. Joy. Love.
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Tuesday, February 24, 2015
A peaceful day.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Today's thought: A peaceful day.
My wish for you is a peaceful day. May you have time to calmly do all that which is yours to do. May this day bring at least one thing you can laugh at; one person who loves you; one beautiful object to delight your eyes and bring a smile to your face. May you be in harmony with your surroundings, and may your every step, every breath, every beat of your heart be filled with gratitude to God. May today and every day be a peaceful day.
Peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: A peaceful day.
My wish for you is a peaceful day. May you have time to calmly do all that which is yours to do. May this day bring at least one thing you can laugh at; one person who loves you; one beautiful object to delight your eyes and bring a smile to your face. May you be in harmony with your surroundings, and may your every step, every breath, every beat of your heart be filled with gratitude to God. May today and every day be a peaceful day.
Peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Monday, February 23, 2015
Honor the body.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Today's thought: Honor the body.
Unity's Daily Word for today so beautifully expresses the importance of honoring the body that I would like to share it with you, along with a verse from the Bible:
"Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God." 1 Corinthians 6:19
From Daily Word:
"My body is a holy temple of Spirit. Its true purpose is to fully express and embody Divine Love and Life. I release any behaviors that may deplete my body. I support its vitality through my loving attention to its messages and needs.
'I honor my body by eating nourishing food and living a healthy lifestyle. I regularly send love and thanksgiving to all parts of my body, energizing them with affirmative words of Truth. My increasing body awareness helps me recognize and release challenging emotions that I may have repressed and stored as physical pain or illness. I honor my needs for rest and recreation. As I devotedly serve my body temple, I create space for the sacred to unfold in my life."
Whatever our age, shape, size, or color, when we consider all that our bodies do for us, 24/7, from the moment of conception to this moment in time, we must realize that we are all living, breathing miracles in motion. Honor the body. Honor yourself. You shelter the Spirit of God.
Peace, joy, and love, always.
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Today's thought: Honor the body.
Unity's Daily Word for today so beautifully expresses the importance of honoring the body that I would like to share it with you, along with a verse from the Bible:
"Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God." 1 Corinthians 6:19
From Daily Word:
"My body is a holy temple of Spirit. Its true purpose is to fully express and embody Divine Love and Life. I release any behaviors that may deplete my body. I support its vitality through my loving attention to its messages and needs.
'I honor my body by eating nourishing food and living a healthy lifestyle. I regularly send love and thanksgiving to all parts of my body, energizing them with affirmative words of Truth. My increasing body awareness helps me recognize and release challenging emotions that I may have repressed and stored as physical pain or illness. I honor my needs for rest and recreation. As I devotedly serve my body temple, I create space for the sacred to unfold in my life."
Whatever our age, shape, size, or color, when we consider all that our bodies do for us, 24/7, from the moment of conception to this moment in time, we must realize that we are all living, breathing miracles in motion. Honor the body. Honor yourself. You shelter the Spirit of God.
Peace, joy, and love, always.
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Sunday, February 22, 2015
God's healing love.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Today's thought: God's healing love.
Affirmations of good bring calm and peace to our minds and bodies. When we are calm, it is easier to think of solutions to whatever problems we may perceive. Two affirmations that I find particularly helpful are:
"God's healing love flows in and through me, and I am deeply grateful."
"Thank you, God, that you hold all of us in the palm of Your hand."
God's love is not limited, but embraces all life, In God's healing, holy light, all darkness is absorbed and becomes light. Let us all do our part to send God's love and light to all life that His light may spread within us, around us, and surround the planet. And all of life and earth and stone will be forever blessed.
Wishing you the blessing of the awareness that there is only God, and God is only Love.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: God's healing love.
Affirmations of good bring calm and peace to our minds and bodies. When we are calm, it is easier to think of solutions to whatever problems we may perceive. Two affirmations that I find particularly helpful are:
"God's healing love flows in and through me, and I am deeply grateful."
"Thank you, God, that you hold all of us in the palm of Your hand."
God's love is not limited, but embraces all life, In God's healing, holy light, all darkness is absorbed and becomes light. Let us all do our part to send God's love and light to all life that His light may spread within us, around us, and surround the planet. And all of life and earth and stone will be forever blessed.
Wishing you the blessing of the awareness that there is only God, and God is only Love.
Copyright 2015
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Saturday, February 21, 2015
Love, the great healer.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Today's thought: Love, the great healer.
From the writings of White Eagle:
"Love is the true secret of all healing. Seek for harmony in your human relationships; love your fellow creatures, love your fellow men. Feel in your heart the gentleness of the masters. Love, and your whole body will be re-created, it will shine with the light of heaven."
Love yourself also, realizing that you are a child of God, worthy of love and respect. Love heals us all; enough love will heal the planet.
Wishing you blessings without number.....and most of all, the blessings of love, peace, and joy, always.
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Today's thought: Love, the great healer.
From the writings of White Eagle:
"Love is the true secret of all healing. Seek for harmony in your human relationships; love your fellow creatures, love your fellow men. Feel in your heart the gentleness of the masters. Love, and your whole body will be re-created, it will shine with the light of heaven."
Love yourself also, realizing that you are a child of God, worthy of love and respect. Love heals us all; enough love will heal the planet.
Wishing you blessings without number.....and most of all, the blessings of love, peace, and joy, always.
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Friday, February 20, 2015
Friends of all ages.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Today's thought: Friends of all ages.
True friends are the treasures of life, the flowers of life. And what a wonderful thing it is when we can be a friend to others. We all have better lives when we know we have friends who will laugh with us in good times and be loving, caring, and supportive in times of grief and sorrow.
Cultivate friends of all ages. Each generation brings a different view of life and we learn from the differences what will benefit us, what to accept and what to let go. My own life has been immeasurably blessed, and forever changed for the better, because of friends.
Wishing you the blessing of treasured friends of all ages.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Friends of all ages.
True friends are the treasures of life, the flowers of life. And what a wonderful thing it is when we can be a friend to others. We all have better lives when we know we have friends who will laugh with us in good times and be loving, caring, and supportive in times of grief and sorrow.
Cultivate friends of all ages. Each generation brings a different view of life and we learn from the differences what will benefit us, what to accept and what to let go. My own life has been immeasurably blessed, and forever changed for the better, because of friends.
Wishing you the blessing of treasured friends of all ages.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Thursday, February 19, 2015
Happy Chinese New Year!
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Happy Chinese New Year!
Today marks the first day in the Chinese New Year of the Sheep. The Year of the Sheep is associated with peace, slows the pace, and brings tranquility. It is also associated with beauty, creativity, and art in all its forms.
The Chinese calendar is based on lunar months of 28 days each, which is why our calendars differ. In the past, the Year of the Sheep has marked the discovery or invention of color photography, the steamroller, the heart transplant, and Vitamin B12. It is also the year of the first Montessori school, and Mother Teresa's Nobel Peace Prize.
Wishing you all the beautiful qualities associated with the Year of the Sheep.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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The above information is from the book: "The Complete Book of Chinese Horoscopes," by Lori Reid.
Happy Chinese New Year!
Today marks the first day in the Chinese New Year of the Sheep. The Year of the Sheep is associated with peace, slows the pace, and brings tranquility. It is also associated with beauty, creativity, and art in all its forms.
The Chinese calendar is based on lunar months of 28 days each, which is why our calendars differ. In the past, the Year of the Sheep has marked the discovery or invention of color photography, the steamroller, the heart transplant, and Vitamin B12. It is also the year of the first Montessori school, and Mother Teresa's Nobel Peace Prize.
Wishing you all the beautiful qualities associated with the Year of the Sheep.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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The above information is from the book: "The Complete Book of Chinese Horoscopes," by Lori Reid.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Law of Attraction
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Today's thought: Law of Attraction
In the writings of Abraham, we find the Law of Attraction which declares that we draw to ourselves those things we habitually think about, talk about, do. We can liken this to planting seeds. When we plant flower seeds, flowers bloom; when we plant vegetable seeds, we harvest vegetables; and each seed is true to itself. Sunflower seeds produce only sunflowers; carrot seeds produce only carrots; apple seeds will produce only apple trees.
In the same way, our positive thoughts, words, and actions will bring us positive results and experiences; and our negative thoughts, words, and actions will bring us more of the same. Understand, and accept, that like produces like. We cannot plant weeds and expect to harvest roses.
Wishing you all the blessings life has to offer.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Law of Attraction
In the writings of Abraham, we find the Law of Attraction which declares that we draw to ourselves those things we habitually think about, talk about, do. We can liken this to planting seeds. When we plant flower seeds, flowers bloom; when we plant vegetable seeds, we harvest vegetables; and each seed is true to itself. Sunflower seeds produce only sunflowers; carrot seeds produce only carrots; apple seeds will produce only apple trees.
In the same way, our positive thoughts, words, and actions will bring us positive results and experiences; and our negative thoughts, words, and actions will bring us more of the same. Understand, and accept, that like produces like. We cannot plant weeds and expect to harvest roses.
Wishing you all the blessings life has to offer.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Tuesday, February 17 2015
Today's thought: Laughter
One of my favorite poems is "Laughter," by Serene S. West. When we get caught up in the 'busyness' of our lives, most of us begin to think that life is a totally serious business and we miss out on the healing benefits of laughter. As a reminder, Serene's poem is being re-posted today.
"Laughter is a melody, a concert from the heart,
A tickling of the angels, creative living art.
Laughter heals and comforts, it's sometimes gentle -- sometimes bold,
Laughter is a healing dance, performed within the soul."
Wishing you the blessing of laughter.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Today's thought: Laughter
One of my favorite poems is "Laughter," by Serene S. West. When we get caught up in the 'busyness' of our lives, most of us begin to think that life is a totally serious business and we miss out on the healing benefits of laughter. As a reminder, Serene's poem is being re-posted today.
"Laughter is a melody, a concert from the heart,
A tickling of the angels, creative living art.
Laughter heals and comforts, it's sometimes gentle -- sometimes bold,
Laughter is a healing dance, performed within the soul."
Wishing you the blessing of laughter.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Monday, February 16, 2015
Monday, February 16, 2015
Today's thought: Gratitude
From the writings of Fr. Henri Nouwen:
"The discipline of gratitude is the explicit effort to acknowledge that all I am and have is given to me as a gift of love, a gift to be celebrated with joy."
Let every step, every breath, every beat of our hearts be a "Thank You, God," for all the blessings poured down upon us, always.
Peace. Joy. Love.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Gratitude
From the writings of Fr. Henri Nouwen:
"The discipline of gratitude is the explicit effort to acknowledge that all I am and have is given to me as a gift of love, a gift to be celebrated with joy."
Let every step, every breath, every beat of our hearts be a "Thank You, God," for all the blessings poured down upon us, always.
Peace. Joy. Love.
Copyright 2015
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Sunday, February 15, 2015
An everyday prayer.
Saturday, February 15, 2015
Today's thought: An everyday prayer.
The following beautiful prayer was written by St. Francis of Assisi, a prayer for any day and every day:
"Lord, help me to live this day, quietly, easily,
To lean upon Thy great strength trustfully, restfully,
To await the unfolding of Thy will, patiently, serenely,
To meet others peacefully, joyously,
To face tomorrow confidently, courageously."
May all the beautiful qualities mentioned in this prayer be yours every day.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Today's thought: An everyday prayer.
The following beautiful prayer was written by St. Francis of Assisi, a prayer for any day and every day:
"Lord, help me to live this day, quietly, easily,
To lean upon Thy great strength trustfully, restfully,
To await the unfolding of Thy will, patiently, serenely,
To meet others peacefully, joyously,
To face tomorrow confidently, courageously."
May all the beautiful qualities mentioned in this prayer be yours every day.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Saturday, February 14, 2015
Happy Valentine's Day!
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Happy Valentine's Day!
Today we celebrate love in its many forms; love of the Creator, love of family and friends, love of the beloved, and love of self. Let us remember that there is forgiveness and compassion in love. Kind words and peaceful actions have the power to heal. Celebrate yourself today, and all those you know and love. Celebrate life today, and extend yourself to do something kind for someone else. We are all in need of love, kindness, compassion, and forgiveness.
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Wishing you a day filled with love, kindness, and happiness.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Next post.
Tuesday, February 10, 2014
Dear Readers:
Next posting will be on Saturday, February 14, 2014. In the meantime, you may want to scroll through the previous "Today's thoughts" for one that may interest you. Over 300 have been posted.....thank you so much for your continuing support.
Wishing you blessings beyond number.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Dear Readers:
Next posting will be on Saturday, February 14, 2014. In the meantime, you may want to scroll through the previous "Today's thoughts" for one that may interest you. Over 300 have been posted.....thank you so much for your continuing support.
Wishing you blessings beyond number.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Monday, February 9, 2015
Practice the presence of God.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Today's thought: Practice the presence of God.
There is a tendency to forget, or perhaps take for granted, that God is everywhere within us and around us and that without Him, there is no life, no energy, no Universe. The Spirit of God animates the tiniest cell life, to the unlimited space of the Universe, and everything in-between. Practice the presence of God, Who is in the very air that we breathe and, as Yogananda said, "as close to us as hands and feet."
Wishing you the blessing of the awareness that God is everywhere and that we cannot be where God is not.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Practice the presence of God.
There is a tendency to forget, or perhaps take for granted, that God is everywhere within us and around us and that without Him, there is no life, no energy, no Universe. The Spirit of God animates the tiniest cell life, to the unlimited space of the Universe, and everything in-between. Practice the presence of God, Who is in the very air that we breathe and, as Yogananda said, "as close to us as hands and feet."
Wishing you the blessing of the awareness that God is everywhere and that we cannot be where God is not.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Sunday, February 8, 2015
God's appointments.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Today's thoughts: God's appointments.
From White Eagle's book, "The Quiet Mind:"
"Do not be discouraged. Learn not to be disappointed in anything, or any person. You are disappointed because your will, your desire, has been frustrated. Learn to submit to the divine will, for God's will is all-wise. Wait then for God's appointments, learning to tread the path wisely, serenely."
Wishing you the blessings of patience and serenity.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Today's thoughts: God's appointments.
From White Eagle's book, "The Quiet Mind:"
"Do not be discouraged. Learn not to be disappointed in anything, or any person. You are disappointed because your will, your desire, has been frustrated. Learn to submit to the divine will, for God's will is all-wise. Wait then for God's appointments, learning to tread the path wisely, serenely."
Wishing you the blessings of patience and serenity.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Saturday, February 7, 2015
This new day.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Today's thought: This new day.
May this new day be filled with peace, wise choices, pleasant surprises, joy and love, and may it be overflowing with beautiful blessings.
Wishing for you, your best possible life.....each new day.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: This new day.
May this new day be filled with peace, wise choices, pleasant surprises, joy and love, and may it be overflowing with beautiful blessings.
Wishing for you, your best possible life.....each new day.
Copyright 2015
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Friday, February 6, 2015
The Serenity Prayer
Friday, February 6, 2015
Today's thought: The Serenity Prayer
"God grant to me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
Wishing you the blessings of serenity, courage, wisdom.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Today's thought: The Serenity Prayer
"God grant to me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
Wishing you the blessings of serenity, courage, wisdom.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Thursday, February 5, 2015
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Today's thought: Elegance
From the writings of Paulo Coelho:
"Elegance is usually confused with superficiality, fashion, lack of depth. This is a serious mistake: human beings need to have elegance in their actions and in their posture because the word is synonymous with good taste, amiability, equilibrium and harmony."
To have elegance of mind is to see the good in everyone, to be honest and trustworthy, to mind our manners and our language, to respect life in all its forms, and to reflect the Divine spark that lies within us all.
Wishing you the blessing of elegance in every area of your life.....and peace, joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Elegance
From the writings of Paulo Coelho:
"Elegance is usually confused with superficiality, fashion, lack of depth. This is a serious mistake: human beings need to have elegance in their actions and in their posture because the word is synonymous with good taste, amiability, equilibrium and harmony."
To have elegance of mind is to see the good in everyone, to be honest and trustworthy, to mind our manners and our language, to respect life in all its forms, and to reflect the Divine spark that lies within us all.
Wishing you the blessing of elegance in every area of your life.....and peace, joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Each day a new day.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Today's thought: Each day a new day.
From the writings of Paulo Coelho:
"You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one. Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own. It's just a matter of paying attention to this miracle."
Living in the now allows us to see the beauty and the blessings of each new day.
Wishing you the blessing of seeing each day as a new beginning, and of letting go of the past.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Each day a new day.
From the writings of Paulo Coelho:
"You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one. Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own. It's just a matter of paying attention to this miracle."
Living in the now allows us to see the beauty and the blessings of each new day.
Wishing you the blessing of seeing each day as a new beginning, and of letting go of the past.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Today's thought: Patience
Let us be mindfully patient with ourselves and with others. Let us take our example from a flower that quietly, slowly, and patiently grows from a seed into a beautiful flower in full bloom. The more we care for the seeds and plants throughout their growing cycle, the lovelier the end result.
On a daily basis, let us care for ourselves with love and patience, and as we grow in love and kindness towards ourselves, it will naturally follow that we will extend love, kindness and patience to others.
Wishing you the blessing of a patient, kind, and loving heart.....and peace, joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Patience
Let us be mindfully patient with ourselves and with others. Let us take our example from a flower that quietly, slowly, and patiently grows from a seed into a beautiful flower in full bloom. The more we care for the seeds and plants throughout their growing cycle, the lovelier the end result.
On a daily basis, let us care for ourselves with love and patience, and as we grow in love and kindness towards ourselves, it will naturally follow that we will extend love, kindness and patience to others.
Wishing you the blessing of a patient, kind, and loving heart.....and peace, joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Monday, February 2, 2015
Monday, February 2, 2015
Today's thought: Forgiveness
From Unity:
"I forgive and begin anew. An artist can seamlessly craft an erroneous brush stroke into a new and beautiful part of a painting. The canvas is forgiving, thus turning an apparent mistake into a fresh aspect. With forgiveness, I can turn seeming failures into opportunities to grow.
'To transform a painful event into a new and positive experience, I let go of attachment to what happened or what should have been. By releasing past hurts, I open myself to beautiful opportunities.
"When I forgive, I give way for the new to emerge in the canvas of my life. I can paint new experiences. I feel energized and embrace unlimited possibilities. As I forgive and move forward, I create my life as I want it to be."
From Ephesians 4:32: "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you."
Wishing you the blessing of forgiving yourself as well as others.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Today's thought: Forgiveness
From Unity:
"I forgive and begin anew. An artist can seamlessly craft an erroneous brush stroke into a new and beautiful part of a painting. The canvas is forgiving, thus turning an apparent mistake into a fresh aspect. With forgiveness, I can turn seeming failures into opportunities to grow.
'To transform a painful event into a new and positive experience, I let go of attachment to what happened or what should have been. By releasing past hurts, I open myself to beautiful opportunities.
"When I forgive, I give way for the new to emerge in the canvas of my life. I can paint new experiences. I feel energized and embrace unlimited possibilities. As I forgive and move forward, I create my life as I want it to be."
From Ephesians 4:32: "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you."
Wishing you the blessing of forgiving yourself as well as others.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Sunday, February 1, 2015
Questions to ask ourselves.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Today's thought: Questions to ask ourselves.
From the writings of Fr. Henri Nouwen:
"Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone's face? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come."
Wishing you the blessings of peace, joy, and love, always.
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Today's thought: Questions to ask ourselves.
From the writings of Fr. Henri Nouwen:
"Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone's face? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come."
Wishing you the blessings of peace, joy, and love, always.
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Saturday, January 31, 2015
Do the right thing.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Today's thought: Do the right thing.
In any situation, whether it be business, family, or social, do the right thing. Don't get caught up in undignified behavior just because someone else is. That is neither a reason nor an excuse to follow their lead. Be the example of professional, civilized, loving behavior; live your best possible life; do the right thing.
Wishing you the courage and determination to behave in a civilized manner, regardless of what is going on around you.....and peace, joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Do the right thing.
In any situation, whether it be business, family, or social, do the right thing. Don't get caught up in undignified behavior just because someone else is. That is neither a reason nor an excuse to follow their lead. Be the example of professional, civilized, loving behavior; live your best possible life; do the right thing.
Wishing you the courage and determination to behave in a civilized manner, regardless of what is going on around you.....and peace, joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Friday, January 30, 2015
Our thoughts matter.
Friday, January 30, 2015
Today's thought: Our thoughts matter.
What has been taught in the past by the Masters has been proven by scientific research. Our thoughts matter. Our thoughts make our world. The Buddha taught this over two thousand years ago; the Bible tells us that "it will be done unto us according to our beliefs;" and, more recently, the process is explained to us by Thomas Hanna.
"What the neurophysiological research of the past several decades tells us is that the kind of thoughts we think determines the quality and effectiveness of our lives. Because thinking is an action of the entire body that mobilizes the entire sensorimotor system, the nature of our thinking activity automatically determines the nature of our bodily activity. If we turn the same anxious thoughts over in our minds day after day, then it is certain that we are tensing and activating certain contractions in our bodies day after day. And it is just as certain that these afflicted parts of our bodies will, through this daily abuse, become fatigued and damaged.
'When we think the same thoughts of revenge over and over again, we are activating the muscles and glands of our bodies over and over again. When we repeat the same thought of disappointment over and over again, we are repeatedly stamping its motor power into the tissues of our body until they sag in forlornness. When we repeatedly think thoughts or memories of hurt, despair, anger, or fear, we are physically injuring ourselves; we are engaging in self-destruction."
Wishing you the deep realization that you can change your life when you change your thoughts, you can become a positive thinker, a seeker of solutions, a light in the darkness for all.
Peace. Joy. Love, always.
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Today's thought: Our thoughts matter.
What has been taught in the past by the Masters has been proven by scientific research. Our thoughts matter. Our thoughts make our world. The Buddha taught this over two thousand years ago; the Bible tells us that "it will be done unto us according to our beliefs;" and, more recently, the process is explained to us by Thomas Hanna.
"What the neurophysiological research of the past several decades tells us is that the kind of thoughts we think determines the quality and effectiveness of our lives. Because thinking is an action of the entire body that mobilizes the entire sensorimotor system, the nature of our thinking activity automatically determines the nature of our bodily activity. If we turn the same anxious thoughts over in our minds day after day, then it is certain that we are tensing and activating certain contractions in our bodies day after day. And it is just as certain that these afflicted parts of our bodies will, through this daily abuse, become fatigued and damaged.
'When we think the same thoughts of revenge over and over again, we are activating the muscles and glands of our bodies over and over again. When we repeat the same thought of disappointment over and over again, we are repeatedly stamping its motor power into the tissues of our body until they sag in forlornness. When we repeatedly think thoughts or memories of hurt, despair, anger, or fear, we are physically injuring ourselves; we are engaging in self-destruction."
Wishing you the deep realization that you can change your life when you change your thoughts, you can become a positive thinker, a seeker of solutions, a light in the darkness for all.
Peace. Joy. Love, always.
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Thursday, January 29, 2015
Best friends.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Today's thought: Best friends.
So often, we think of 'best friends' as people we meet who are kind, supportive, loving, and with whom we have things in common; and those best friends become life's treasures. More important than those treasures, we need to find the treasure within ourselves and become best friends with ourselves. In every situation of our lives, we need to encourage ourselves to do the best we can, be kind to ourselves when others are not, and love ourselves to wholeness. We are all children of God, worthy of love and respect, and we also need to love and respect ourselves. God does!
Wishing you the blessing of many best friends, including yourselves.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Today's thought: Best friends.
So often, we think of 'best friends' as people we meet who are kind, supportive, loving, and with whom we have things in common; and those best friends become life's treasures. More important than those treasures, we need to find the treasure within ourselves and become best friends with ourselves. In every situation of our lives, we need to encourage ourselves to do the best we can, be kind to ourselves when others are not, and love ourselves to wholeness. We are all children of God, worthy of love and respect, and we also need to love and respect ourselves. God does!
Wishing you the blessing of many best friends, including yourselves.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Be kind.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Today's thought: Be kind.
From the writings of Fr. Henri Nouwen:
"When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand."
Be kind. All of the world is in need of kindness, peace, joy, and love.
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Fr. Henri Nouwen was an internationally known, Dutch-born, Catholic priest, author, and respected Professor, who wrote 40 books on the spiritual life. Information about Fr. Nouwen can be found on Wikipedia, and at
Today's thought: Be kind.
From the writings of Fr. Henri Nouwen:
"When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand."
Be kind. All of the world is in need of kindness, peace, joy, and love.
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Fr. Henri Nouwen was an internationally known, Dutch-born, Catholic priest, author, and respected Professor, who wrote 40 books on the spiritual life. Information about Fr. Nouwen can be found on Wikipedia, and at
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Only good.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Today's thought: Only good.
From the writings of Abraham:
"We would like you to reach the place where you're not willing to listen to people criticize one another.....where you take no satisfaction from somebody being wrong.....where it matters to you so much that you feel good, that you are only willing to think positive things about are only willing to look for positive aspects; you are only willing to look for solutions, and you are not willing to beat the drum of all the problems of the world."
When we all choose to feed the positive aspects in our lives, the negative will no longer exist.
Wishing you the blessing of realizing that you do have choice, you do have control, you do have the power to change your life.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Today's thought: Only good.
From the writings of Abraham:
"We would like you to reach the place where you're not willing to listen to people criticize one another.....where you take no satisfaction from somebody being wrong.....where it matters to you so much that you feel good, that you are only willing to think positive things about are only willing to look for positive aspects; you are only willing to look for solutions, and you are not willing to beat the drum of all the problems of the world."
When we all choose to feed the positive aspects in our lives, the negative will no longer exist.
Wishing you the blessing of realizing that you do have choice, you do have control, you do have the power to change your life.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Sunday, January 25, 2015
What can I learn from this?
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Today's thought: What can I learn from this?
There are several schools of thought of why bad things happen in our lives. Some believe they are challenges from God to test our faith and make us stronger as we bear them and live through them. Some believe they are a result of karma, past actions that we must now face and resolve. Some believe life is a learning-and-growing experience, and that we all have good and bad things happen in our lives. And others believe we draw to ourselves, through the Universal Law of Attraction, whatever we focus on.
Regardless of your beliefs, when bad things happen, ask yourself, "What can I learn from this?" There is something to be learned in each experience, and that 'something' may be different for each of us. Learn the lesson and let the experience go. Learn the lesson and move on. When you are able to do this, each day will be a joy.
Wishing you the blessing of joyful days.....and peace and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: What can I learn from this?
There are several schools of thought of why bad things happen in our lives. Some believe they are challenges from God to test our faith and make us stronger as we bear them and live through them. Some believe they are a result of karma, past actions that we must now face and resolve. Some believe life is a learning-and-growing experience, and that we all have good and bad things happen in our lives. And others believe we draw to ourselves, through the Universal Law of Attraction, whatever we focus on.
Regardless of your beliefs, when bad things happen, ask yourself, "What can I learn from this?" There is something to be learned in each experience, and that 'something' may be different for each of us. Learn the lesson and let the experience go. Learn the lesson and move on. When you are able to do this, each day will be a joy.
Wishing you the blessing of joyful days.....and peace and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Saturday, January 24, 2015
Do something wonderful.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Today's thought: Do something wonderful.
From the writings of Albert Schweitzer:
"Do something wonderful; people may imitate it."
How wonderful the world would be if all of us used our minds and energies towards positive goals. Let those who understand the far-reaching effects of positive words and actions continue to do good, and the world will become a better place for all.
Wishing you the realization of all the blessings poured down upon us all.....and peace, joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Do something wonderful.
From the writings of Albert Schweitzer:
"Do something wonderful; people may imitate it."
How wonderful the world would be if all of us used our minds and energies towards positive goals. Let those who understand the far-reaching effects of positive words and actions continue to do good, and the world will become a better place for all.
Wishing you the realization of all the blessings poured down upon us all.....and peace, joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Friday, January 23, 2015
Friday, January 23, 22015
Today's thought: Meditation
From Buddhist writings:
"Meditation practice isn't about trying to throw ourselves away to become something better. It's about befriending who we are already."
Who we are already is a spiritual being having a physical experience. In the stillness of meditation, we become more and more aware of the Spirit of God within us; the everpresent and everlasting peace that is already, and always, ours.
Wishing you the blessing of experiencing the peace within you.....and joy and love, always.
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Today's thought: Meditation
From Buddhist writings:
"Meditation practice isn't about trying to throw ourselves away to become something better. It's about befriending who we are already."
Who we are already is a spiritual being having a physical experience. In the stillness of meditation, we become more and more aware of the Spirit of God within us; the everpresent and everlasting peace that is already, and always, ours.
Wishing you the blessing of experiencing the peace within you.....and joy and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Thursday, January 22, 2015
Words about words.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Today's thought: Words about words.
Let us not be careless with our words. Words have the power to create, and to destroy.
Words, once said, can never be unsaid, and no amount of "sorry" can change that.
Words are like ripples on a stream flowing into the Universe. We will never know to what extent those who hear or read them will be affected,
Words live for centuries in myth and folklore, passed down from generation to generation.
Printed words survive for thousands of years, read by countless eyes. Carefully choose the words you commit to paper. Equally carefully, choose what you read.
Words live in our minds and hearts, either adding to or diminishing our self-esteem, self-respect, sense of well-being and quality of life.
Words spoken in the present become a part of both our future and our past.
Some words are best left unwritten and unsaid. Nothing everything needs to be known by everyone.
Words can build bridges of understanding. Words can soothe a troubled heart.
Harsh words can shatter the fragile self-esteem of a child.
Words can elevate minds to their highest potential. Words can drag us down to places best not imagined.
Words can destroy dreams. Gossip can kill a marriage.
Teasing is cruel.....not funny.....cruel.
We are responsible for our words and held accountable for them. Our words reveal without a shadow of a doubt, who we are in our minds, hearts, and souls. Words have power. Take care how you use them.
Wishing you all the blessings you wish for.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: Words about words.
Let us not be careless with our words. Words have the power to create, and to destroy.
Words, once said, can never be unsaid, and no amount of "sorry" can change that.
Words are like ripples on a stream flowing into the Universe. We will never know to what extent those who hear or read them will be affected,
Words live for centuries in myth and folklore, passed down from generation to generation.
Printed words survive for thousands of years, read by countless eyes. Carefully choose the words you commit to paper. Equally carefully, choose what you read.
Words live in our minds and hearts, either adding to or diminishing our self-esteem, self-respect, sense of well-being and quality of life.
Words spoken in the present become a part of both our future and our past.
Some words are best left unwritten and unsaid. Nothing everything needs to be known by everyone.
Words can build bridges of understanding. Words can soothe a troubled heart.
Harsh words can shatter the fragile self-esteem of a child.
Words can elevate minds to their highest potential. Words can drag us down to places best not imagined.
Words can destroy dreams. Gossip can kill a marriage.
Teasing is cruel.....not funny.....cruel.
We are responsible for our words and held accountable for them. Our words reveal without a shadow of a doubt, who we are in our minds, hearts, and souls. Words have power. Take care how you use them.
Wishing you all the blessings you wish for.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Happy Birthday, Blog!
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Today's thought: Happy Birthday, Blog!
One year ago today, I posted the first blog: "Things I learned along the way," in the form of a letter to my nieces and all others who would visit the site. The words are still relevant and, from time to time, I think we all need reminders. I certainly do. So, for myself and those of you who are so kind and supportive as to visit this site, here are some of the 'things I learned along the way.'
"Daughters of my heart...and others,
'In the coming months, I hope to share with you some of the lessons I have learned in this experience called Life. You may not agree with my thoughts and beliefs, and that's fine. We are not clones of one another, nor are we meant to be. Trust your own instincts. Follow your own heart. Be still, and listen to the one true voice within.
'It is important to understand that whatever you do comes back to you. Whatever you do, you do to yourself, first and foremost, and then, like a ripple effect, it affects all those whose lives you touch. You cannot do good to others without doing good to yourself. You cannot do harm to others without doing harm to yourself. The law of cause and effect...Universal law...karma...God's law, do exist. Call it what you will, it operates the same for everyone. Please don't fool yourself into thinking you can get away with anything. To paraphrase the poet, "Tho' the mills of the Gods grind slowly, yet they grind exceedingly fine." The law operates 24/7, no exceptions, no excuses, no escape.
'When you have thoughts and feelings of goodwill, love, and affection, those thoughts and feelings cause positive, healthy chemicals to be released from the brain and to circulate throughout your body. In the same way, angry thoughts, words and actions cause to be released, harmful, negative chemicals to course throughout the body. Whatever we think, speak, and do is recorded within us, in our memories our postures, our mannerisms, our voices, and our expressions, visible to all. Impossible to hide who and what we are from those who have learned to see.
'Try not to be careless in your language and manners. Language and manners civilize us. Our own language and manners broadcast to others how we expect to be treated, and whether we will tolerate crude language and disrespect. We alone choose whether to use healing, positive, beautiful words, or destructive, negative, vulgar words. Language reveals who we are in a flash.
'Manners reveal how we feel about others and, also, how we feel about ourselves. Manners is the art of being kind. Language and manners have the power to heal or destroy.
'In this age of instant communication, where it seems to be acceptable for everyone to tell everything, all manner of words are flung about carelessly. It seems to have been forgotten that all words, like all actions, have consequences. Words are important. Words have power. Words help shape who you are and who you will become."
The remaining portion of this letter, "A few more words about words:" will appear in tomorrow's blog. My thanks and appreciation to all of you for your interest and support.
Wishing you blessings beyond counting.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Zizi is a diminutive of Zia, which is Aunt in Italian.
Today's thought: Happy Birthday, Blog!
One year ago today, I posted the first blog: "Things I learned along the way," in the form of a letter to my nieces and all others who would visit the site. The words are still relevant and, from time to time, I think we all need reminders. I certainly do. So, for myself and those of you who are so kind and supportive as to visit this site, here are some of the 'things I learned along the way.'
"Daughters of my heart...and others,
'In the coming months, I hope to share with you some of the lessons I have learned in this experience called Life. You may not agree with my thoughts and beliefs, and that's fine. We are not clones of one another, nor are we meant to be. Trust your own instincts. Follow your own heart. Be still, and listen to the one true voice within.
'It is important to understand that whatever you do comes back to you. Whatever you do, you do to yourself, first and foremost, and then, like a ripple effect, it affects all those whose lives you touch. You cannot do good to others without doing good to yourself. You cannot do harm to others without doing harm to yourself. The law of cause and effect...Universal law...karma...God's law, do exist. Call it what you will, it operates the same for everyone. Please don't fool yourself into thinking you can get away with anything. To paraphrase the poet, "Tho' the mills of the Gods grind slowly, yet they grind exceedingly fine." The law operates 24/7, no exceptions, no excuses, no escape.
'When you have thoughts and feelings of goodwill, love, and affection, those thoughts and feelings cause positive, healthy chemicals to be released from the brain and to circulate throughout your body. In the same way, angry thoughts, words and actions cause to be released, harmful, negative chemicals to course throughout the body. Whatever we think, speak, and do is recorded within us, in our memories our postures, our mannerisms, our voices, and our expressions, visible to all. Impossible to hide who and what we are from those who have learned to see.
'Try not to be careless in your language and manners. Language and manners civilize us. Our own language and manners broadcast to others how we expect to be treated, and whether we will tolerate crude language and disrespect. We alone choose whether to use healing, positive, beautiful words, or destructive, negative, vulgar words. Language reveals who we are in a flash.
'Manners reveal how we feel about others and, also, how we feel about ourselves. Manners is the art of being kind. Language and manners have the power to heal or destroy.
'In this age of instant communication, where it seems to be acceptable for everyone to tell everything, all manner of words are flung about carelessly. It seems to have been forgotten that all words, like all actions, have consequences. Words are important. Words have power. Words help shape who you are and who you will become."
The remaining portion of this letter, "A few more words about words:" will appear in tomorrow's blog. My thanks and appreciation to all of you for your interest and support.
Wishing you blessings beyond counting.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Zizi is a diminutive of Zia, which is Aunt in Italian.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
A good thing.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Today's thought: A good thing.
Before you go to sleep each night, think of at least one good thing that happened during your day; something that made you smile, something for which you are deeply grateful. Take that thought with you into your sleep state and you will be more rested and refreshed when you wake up the next morning. When your mind is rested, it is easier to face and resolve whatever the new day brings.
Wishing you the blessing of peaceful, restful nights of sleep.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Today's thought: A good thing.
Before you go to sleep each night, think of at least one good thing that happened during your day; something that made you smile, something for which you are deeply grateful. Take that thought with you into your sleep state and you will be more rested and refreshed when you wake up the next morning. When your mind is rested, it is easier to face and resolve whatever the new day brings.
Wishing you the blessing of peaceful, restful nights of sleep.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
Copyright 2015
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Monday, January 19, 2015
Never alone.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Today's thought: Never alone.
We are never alone. We can, at any time, be still and know that God is within us and around us, as this beautiful prayer from Unity tells us.
"The light of God surrounds us;
The love of God enfolds us;
The power of God protects us;
The presence of God watches over us.
Wherever we are, God is!"
Wishing you the blessing of knowing that we are never alone.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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Today's thought: Never alone.
We are never alone. We can, at any time, be still and know that God is within us and around us, as this beautiful prayer from Unity tells us.
"The light of God surrounds us;
The love of God enfolds us;
The power of God protects us;
The presence of God watches over us.
Wherever we are, God is!"
Wishing you the blessing of knowing that we are never alone.....and peace, joy, and love, always.
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