Wednesday, April 30, 2014

An open book

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Today's thought:  Open books

When/if we try to fool others, the only person we are really fooling is ourselves.  Everything about us tells our story.  Everything about us reveals who and what we are.  We are open books, and cannot hide from those who have learned to see.  Become the person you want to be.  Become the person you want others to see.



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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A happy life

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Today's thought:  A happy life.

"A happy life is a stream of happy moments.  Most people miss the happy moment because they are too busy looking for the happy life."

From the teachings of Abraham-Hicks



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Monday, April 28, 2014

Compliments and Criticisms

Monday, April 28, 2014

Today's thought:  Compliments and Criticisms

When you receive either one......

          Consider the source;

          Consider the intent;

           Consider if it is deserved.

When we compliment others, we are affirming our own views, thoughts, and beliefs.

When we criticize others, we are defending our own views, thoughts, and beliefs.

Compliments and criticisms can neither help us nor hurt us, without our consent.



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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Affirmative prayer

Sunday, April 27, 2014

From the teachings of Unity:

"Affirmative prayer is understood, in Unity, as the highest form of creative thought.  It includes the release of negative thoughts and holding in mind statements of spiritual truth.  Through meditation and prayer, we can experience the presence of God.  Prayer and meditation heighten our awareness of truth and thereby transform our lives.

Prayer is valuable not because it alters the circumstances and conditions of your life, but because it alters you."

And when we change, everything changes, because our perspective has changed.



Saturday, April 26, 2014

Healing the body.

April 26, 2014

Today's thought:  Healing the body.

Sometimes I think we mistakenly put the burden of healing the body on the doctor and his abilities.  The doctor has the ability to diagnose, recommend actions, and prescribe medications.  The doctor has the ability to facilitate healing.

The body is designed to heal itself when we cooperate with the body's needs, maintain a healthy mental attitude, and follow the doctor's recommendations.



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Friday, April 25, 2014

Today's thought

April 25, 2014

Change your life.

At any given moment, your life is the sum total of every thought, word, action, and reaction you have ever had.

Change any or all of those things, for better or for worse, and you change your life.

Your life.  Your choice.



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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Today's thought

April 24, 2014

From the I Ching:

"Difficulties and obstructions throw a man back upon himself.  While the inferior man seeks to put the blame on other persons, bewailing his fate, the superior man seeks the error within himself, and through this introspection the external obstacle becomes for him an occasion for inner enrichment and education."



Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Seeds of love

April 23, 2014

Today's thought:

We all have within us seeds of love, peace, joy and harmony, as well as the seeds of the opposites of those qualities.

Choose carefully which you will sow and nurture, for that will be your harvest.  That will be your life.



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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sources of strength and comfort in difficult times.`

April 22, 2014

Daughters of my heart, and other readers

We live in our minds.  We inhabit the planet, reside in our homes, and live in our minds.  It is in the mind that any battle is lost or won.  In difficult times, we are as strong as we want to be, and as strong as we need to be.  For me, they are the same thing.

The greatest source of strength and comfort comes from within, the God center that we have access to, the faith that anchors us, so that we are never like 'the reed that is shaken by the wind.'  (Luke 7:24).

It is my belief that all spiritual paths lead to God because God is all there is.  All those who honor God in their daily lives will find their way home to Him.  We are here to evolve spiritually, to radiate love and peace, to raise the spiritual consciousness of the planet so that all may live a better life.  We all have a stake in this.  And we are all responsible for doing our part to make this a peaceful planet.

Daughters of my heart and other readers, find the Church/faith/philosophy that strengthens, comforts, and anchors you.  As each of us has an individual mind, each of us may have a different perception of God and experience Him differently.  Trust that God and the Universe will make your way known to you.

"Ask and it will be given you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7).  All we have to do is set the intent and trust the process.

At the end of this letter, I want to share with you the names of some spiritual organizations and inspirational books that have been of comfort to millions, and to me, at different times in my life.

Remember always to take care of yourselves.  Treat yourselves gently and with respect.  Walk in dignity and grace.  You are important to God, the Universe, and all those who love you, including me.

                                                                                                Love you, always


Copyright 2014

Sources of comfort in difficult times:

"Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda is the story of a beautiful soul's journey into enlightenment.  In 1920, Yogananda came to the United States from India, bringing with him the Yoga science of meditation and balanced spiritual living.  Love of God and service to humanity were his life's work.
In 1925, Yogananda founded the Self-Realization Fellowship International Headquarters in Los Angeles, and the spiritual and humanitarian work he began at that time continues to this day.  One of the "aims and ideals" of the Society is "to reveal the complete harmony and basic oneness of original Christianity as taught by Jesus Christ, and original Yoga as taught by Bhagavan Krishna; and to show that these principles of truth are the common scientific foundation of all true religions. (Yogananda's life began in India on January 5, 1893, and ended on March 7, 1952, in the U.S.).  Through the centuries, India has always had a few saintly, holy men. Yogananda was one of them.

To this date, the Society oversees Self-Realization temples, retreats, and meditation centers around the world; monastic training programs; and a Worldwide Prayer Circle.  Information on Yogananda and the Self-Realization Society is readily available at:  If you prefer, you can call the Los Angeles Headquarters at (323) 255-2471.


Unity Church is a non-denominational church established by Myrtle and Charles Fillmore in 1889, in Kansas City, Mo., after Myrtle Fillmore was cured of tuberculosis, which she attributed to a spiritual healing.  Unity emphasizes spiritual healing, but does not reject or resist medical treatments.  It is an inclusive faith that welcomes diversity of belief and is accepting of the beliefs of others.

Unity is devoted to demonstrating that the teachings of Jesus Christ can be lived every day.  Unity has long been a worldwide organization, and its' monthly publication of "Daily Word" goes out to millions of subscribers.  "Daily Word" provides a thought and a prayer for the day, and is a positive way to start the day.  "Daily Word" is also available online at

'Silent Unity' is a worldwide prayer service, available toll-free to anyone in the world who calls for prayers.  This service is available twenty-fours a day, every day of every year.  There is always someone who will pray for you, and with you, if you call.  Your prayer request will then be placed in the Meditation Room for thirty days.  Again, there is always someone in the Meditation Room, praying for the intentions of those who have called or written for help.  I have been to Unity Village, seen this, and know it to be true.  In the middle of any day or night, when you feel lonely or afraid, someone will answer your call and pray with you.

The toll-free numbers are:  In the U.S.   1-800-NOW PRAY
                                         International:  01-816-969-2000


Thich Nhat Hahn is a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist.  He has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, and has published over 100 books, including more than 40 in English.  The two that have been most helpful to me, (I have not read them all), are:  "The Miracle of Mindfulness," and "Peace is Every Step:  the Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life."

A few years ago, I experienced any mother's nightmare; my only child was badly injured.  Prayer and the writings in "The Miracle of Mindfulness" literally kept my mind focused on a positive outcome, helping me to get through each hour of each day until the crisis passed.


Two beautifully inspirational books, small enough to fit in a pocket or purse, are: "The Quiet Mind, Sayings of White Eagle", available from, or by telephone: 936-597-5757;  and "Scientific Healing Affirmations" by Paramahansa Yogananda, available from, or by telephone: 818-549-5151.


To all my readers:
 As I have said before, it is not my intent to change anyone's belief system or influence you to my way of thinking.  I share what has been helpful to me in the hope some of it will be helpful to you, too.  I wish for all of you a truly peaceful heart, and gratitude for life, love, family and friends.  May you all be blessed beyond imagining, and find the Light along your path.



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Know yourself.

April 22, 2014

"Know yourself, and understand this:  What others think of us and how others treat us has very little to do with who and what we are.....and everything to do with their own habitual thought patterns and perceptions.

Know yourself!  Know your worth, and you will always be able to stand strong and secure in the face of whatever life brings along the path you choose to walk."



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Monday, April 21, 2014

Thoughts that inspire.

April 21, 2014

Daughters of my heart, and other readers

From time-to-time, I will be posting a 'thought to inspire' in between the usual letters.  Today's thought comes from a soon-to-be published book, "Leonora's Little Words of Wisdom."

                    "Learn all that you can, in order to live your best possible life.
                     Knowledge is the ultimate power."



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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Sunday Wishes

April 20, 2014

Daughters of my heart, and other readers

May each and all of you have a joyful, peaceful, blessed Easter Day.  Enjoy all the moments that you can.  Make the most of this day, for this day will never come again.

Take care.  Love,


Monday, April 7, 2014

Choices.....and the importance of NOW

April 7, 2014

Daughters of my heart, and other readers

Choose to accept who you are and where you are now.  Choosing to accept yourself and your past is not necessarily approving of everything or everyone who played a part in it, it is simply acknowledging the reality of your life at this moment.  Accepting who and where we are now is the first step to changing anything we wish to be different.  How we feel about ourselves and our life is up to us.  We get to choose the thoughts that become the words we speak, that become the actions we take, that become our reality.

We get to choose.  That is both the good news and the bad news, for now there is no more blaming anyone or anything else.  Our experiences as children colored our world, of course, and we all still have that small child within us.  Every experience we have had until this moment has played a role in making us who we are today.  Now we can carry the past with us forever, bemoaning the fact that our childhood, young adulthood, relationship, marriage, etc., wasn't  what we thought it should have been, or we can accept it, learn whatever we can from it, be grateful for the learning, and move on, leaving the past precisely where it belongs, in the past.  What went before has power to influence us only to the extent that we allow it.  Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."  All of our feelings and all of our actions have had our consent.  Other people, events, and circumstances have only the power that we give them.  So much easier to blame a parent, a teacher, a friend, an employer, a spouse, and granted they played a role, but the final choice, and the only choice that mattered for us, was ours.

And that is the liberating, wonderful part of it all!  We get to choose!  We get to choose being peaceful in the moment.  We get to choose whether others' opinions are more important than our own.  We get to choose whether we move in the direction of our dreams or remain mired in the past.

Remember that all choices have consequences so, at the same time that we are making choices, we are also choosing the results of those choices.  And if/when we choose not to take steps to change our circumstances, we are then choosing our circumstances.

Life is a learning and growing experience, ebbing and flowing in many directions, some of which we choose.  Accept it as such.  Life is so much easier when we understand and accept that we have choices, the most important of which is what we choose now.

Sometimes, when we read words of encouragement or advice, we think, "Oh, he/she doesn't understand; has never felt as I feel; is too old to know or remember; etc., etc., etc."  Speaking for myself, been there, done that, felt the pleasure and the pain of unwise choices, and realized some years ago that much of the pain was unnecessary.  Accepting the past, being grateful for the lessons learned, letting go of the past and moving on, is the only way that makes any sense to me now.

My only purpose in putting pen to paper, transferring the words to a computer, and sending those words out into the universe, is that whoever will benefit from the words will read them, understand the message, make wiser decisions, and thereby enrich their own lives and the lives of all those whose lives they touch.

Now is the most important moment we have, because now is the only moment we have.  We live in what has been termed 'the eternal now.'  Every day is a stream of 'now' moments.  We cannot live tomorrow until it becomes today, with its own stream of 'now' moments.  That is why now is so important.  Now is when the seeds are sown for all the todays we will experience.  Now is the perfect time for each of us to plan the life of our dreams, and to take the first steps to achieving it.  There will never be a better time than now.  Now is when we know.  Now is when we can decide.  Now is when we can act.  Now is always and eternal.

Daughters of my heart and other readers, we have choice, and we have now.  Choice, which is free will, is a privilege that carries responsibility with it.  Choice is a huge, wonderful gift.  Now is the perfect time to accept that gift, and use it as wisely as possible.

Remember to always take care of yourselves.  Treat yourselves gently and with respect.  Walk in dignity and grace.  You are important to God, the Universe, and all those who love you, including me.

                                                                                                Love you, always


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(Zizi is a diminutive of Zia, Aunt in Italian).