Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Holding the space.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Today's thought:  Holding the space.

We can benefit all of life into eternity by 'holding the space' we live in, peacefully, lovingly, compassionately, truthfully, honorably.  It isn't required of us to make some grand discovery, cure an illness, or to go anywhere else in the world; it is enough that we create little pockets of peace, today, wherever we are.  It is enough to live a quiet, simple life, peacefully, lovingly, compassionately, truthfully, honorably.  It is not only enough, it is a huge gift we can give ourselves, our families, our neighbors, the divine earth that feeds and shelters us all.

  The positive energy generated by such a life will never be lost, but will merge with all other positive energy and flow on and on, forever and ever.  In every prayer, in every compassionate word, in every good deed, there is infinite power to make this blessed earth a more peaceful place for all of life.

Wishing you the blessing of all the peace, joy, and love that your heart and soul desire.

Love, always


Copyright 2015

email comments to:  LettersToZizi@att.net

Saturday, September 19, 2015

The greatest power is love.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Today's thought:  The greatest power is love.

From the Mystical Teachings of St. John - Inner Teaching:

"The greatest power in this world or the next is love.  It is the link which binds and yet gives complete liberty.  When applied, it never fails to win through, no matter how difficult the problem that confronts the soul.  When in doubt, fear, anxiety, in sickness when death draws near, the key to liberty, the key to heaven itself is love in the heart towards God."

Wishing you the blessing of a heart filled to overflowing with love towards God and all life, including your own.  Peace and joy, always.


email comments to:  LettersToZizi@att.net

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Let go.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Today's thought:  Let go.

"Holding onto the past interferes with what the Divine is doing in your present."  Caroline Myss

This must be the best reason in the world to let go of painful past memories, and I sincerely hope you are able to do so.

Wishing you all the blessings you wish for yourself.....and peace, joy, and love, always.


email comments to:  LettersToZizi@att.net

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

World Day of Prayer

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Unity World Day of Prayer, Thursday, September 10, 2015

Tomorrow is Unity's World Day of Prayer for 2015.  The thought this year is, "Pray up your life.  Pray up the World," and "As I pray, I connect my highest thoughts with my deepest faith."

We pray for ourselves when we pray for the world, for although each of us is an individual soul, we are connected to all the other souls because we are all a part of God.  He is the Source from which we came, and to which we will return.

On a daily basis, pray for peace; send out thoughts of peace; do your work with peaceful actions; speak your words peacefully.  There will be peace within ourselves and within all people when each of us does his or her part.  Be the one who chooses to live in peace, and that peace will spread to all those whose lives you touch, and those whose lives they touch, etc., until peace is all there is.

Wishing you the blessing of peace all the days of your life.....and joy and love, always.


Copyright 2015

email comments to:  LettersToZizi@att.net

Monday, September 7, 2015

My father's advice.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Today's thought:  My father's advice.

Today is the anniversary of my father's passing from the physical world into the world of light.
His advice is as relevant today as it was when he gave it to me many, many years ago.  In his memory, I want to reprint the blog I originally printed on Father's Day, 2014.

"My father was a part of my life for only nineteen years.  He died of a terminal illness a few months after my nineteenth birthday.  He worked very hard to care for us, and we were fortunate to have him.  The thing I remember most were his hands, calloused and rough from working in the construction trades and, to me, they were beautiful; the visible result of the work he did to care for us.

'I remember several times in the years before he died, asking his advice on what should I do in the situations I was not sure about.  "Do what makes you happy," was his answer.  Not 'do what is expected.' or ' this is what you should do,' or 'what will others think if you follow your heart?'  but 'do what makes you happy.'

'Decades of my life would go by before I would fully understand the wisdom of those words.  When we do what makes us happy, we are following our heart's desire, listening to our inner guidance, fulfilling our life's purpose.  When we do what makes us happy, we are content and peaceful within ourselves, and able to share those feelings with others.

'When my father died, I lost a father, a friend, and an ally.  But I remember his advice and hope you will. too.
Listen to your inner guidance;  follow your heart; and do what makes you happy."

Peace, joy, and love, always.


Copyright 2014/2015

email comments to:  LettersToZizi@att.net

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Intent is everything.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Today's thought:  Intent is everything.

It is our intent that triggers our emotions that set the cosmic law of cause and effect into motion.  And whatever our intent may be, for better or for worse, that is what will be returned to us.

We may unwillingly, but with an outward smile, do something for someone.  What registers in the body, and the chemicals that the brain releases in response to our emotions, is the unwillingness and what will be returned to us, at some future date, is unwillingness from someone else.  It is the intent that sets the wheels in motion.

There are some spiritual teachers who tell us there is no such thing as a mistake, as all choices and all actions, with their respective consequences, will show us what is to our benefit, and what is not.  We come to this planet to learn and to grow in unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, generosity of the spirit, beauty of the soul, and all those qualities that God possesses.  The purpose of life is spiritual growth and development that we may return to the God who gave us life, more like Him in every way.

Wishing you the blessing of the realization that we gain everything when we choose God's laws as our guide.....and peace, joy, and love, always.


Copyright 2015

email comments to:  LettersToZizi@att.net

Friday, September 4, 2015

The end result.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Today's thought:  The end result.

Everything that is, is the end result of all that went before.  There are no accidents or chance encounters.  A flower blooms because a seed was planted, nurtured and watered.  A 'random act of kindness' is the end result of someone who is essentially kind choosing to extend that kindness to others.

Whoever we are and wherever we are is the end result of all the choices that were made for us when we were young, and all the choices we have made for ourselves since we were old enough to do so.  This is why, over and over, teachers tell us how important it is to make the wisest choices we can in all situations of our lives.  Every choice matters because every choice has consequences. We are the living, breathing end result of all our choices, and our faces and bodies reflect those choices.

Now, if where you are isn't exactly where you would like to be, this may sound like bad news; but the good news is, and there is always good news, you can change your choices and change your life. When we change our minds, we change our lives.  When we change our choices, we change our lives.  When we do the best we can in any situation, the end result will be the best for us at that time.

Wishing you the blessing of knowing all things are possible to those who believe they are.....and peace, joy and love, always.


Copyright 2015

email comments to:  LettersToZizi@att.net

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Better or worse.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Today's thought:  Better or worse.

At the end of the day, ask yourself if you have made your life better or worse by the thoughts, words and actions you chose this day.  Was someone's attitude, someone's sense of self-esteem, someone's life made better or worse by your words and actions today.

Take time and quietly reflect if your spiritual growth was helped or hindered by your choices today. Be kind and gentle with yourself;  tomorrow is another day to live and grow in Spirit, benefitting yourself most of all, and all of humanity, by extension.

Wishing you the blessing of spiritual sight, that you may look out and see only love, only joy, only peace; and may you have the blessing of forgiving and being forgiven


Copyright 2015

email comments to:  LettersToZizi@att.net