Monday, July 29, 2019

Resolution: Be Kind

Dear Reader,

At long last, I was prepared to send out a new letter.  What a surprise to see that what I had typed at the end of 2018 was still in draft form and had never been published.  As the reminder to be kind is always relevant,  here is the last letter of 2018:

As one year ends and another is about to begin, let your New Year's resolution be to "Be Kind," in all ways and at all times.

Simple resolution --- only two words and yet, remembering and living those two words can transform our relationships with one another and with all living things, including this blessed Earth which provides us with all that we need.

Be kind, especially to the children who are so often defenceless in the midst of us.  If we will save the children, we will save the world.  Be kind.

Be kind to yourself.  You are all beloved children of God, worthy and deserving of all the good in the world. 

May the coming year bring to you all that you most desire and all the blessings that your mind and heart can hold.

Peace.  Joy.  Love.


copyright 2018