Monday, June 5, 2017

Six words.

Six words; three short phrases, any one of which, when practiced regularly, could dramatically change your life.

Six words:  Be grateful.  Resist Nothing.  Be kind.

Be grateful to the Spirit within which gives us breath and life, now and eternally.  Each of us who is breathing has endless blessings for which to be grateful.  Our miraculous, wonderfully-designed bodies go about their daily business requiring very little direction from us.  Perhaps that is why we have a tendency to take them for granted.  Take a moment, bless and thank your body for the heart that beats, the lungs that breath, the blood that flows to feed even the tiniest capillaries, eyes and ears, nose, and mouth, hands and feet, arms and legs, each doing its job to the best of its ability whether we pay attention to it or not.

Be grateful for a mind that can think and make decisions.  Be grateful for family and friends, food and home, furniture and transportation.  Be grateful for birds and animals, plants and trees, sky and clouds, and Divine Mother Earth that feeds us, clothes us, and provides the materials that shelter us.  Be grateful for everything you can think of, for everything you have, for everything that you can see, hear, smell, sense and touch.  Be grateful; gratitude is the magnet that draws to us ever more things for which to be grateful.

Resist nothing.  To resist nothing is to understand that whatever is happening is as it should be for the evolution of each of us individually and collectively, and for the evolution of the planet.  When we can accept that all is as it should be, and the only way it can be because it is all the end result of all choices made, then we can calmly work to change ourselves for the better.  We can choose to be a positive influence within our family and circle of friends, in the workplace, and wherever else we go.  To resist nothing is to accept that all that is is for our learning and growing spiritually, that we may be a candle in the darkness, and a source of comfort.  To resist nothing is to calmly accept what is and go about our own business, doing the best we can, being the best we can, and helping whenever and wherever we can.

Be kind.  Be kind to yourself, to others, to all life, and to Divine Mother Earth.  Everything that is, is alive and has its own consciousness, and everything is in need of kindness.  Being kind can change your world and the world of all those whose lives you touch.  Kindness saves lives, literally and figuratively.  We can save ourselves, others, and our beloved planet by simply being kind.

Wishing you all the blessings your mind and heart can hold.....and peace, joy, and love, always.


Copyright 2017

Eckhardt Tolle has a very beautiful CD titled, "Resist Nothing" that explains this concept so much better than I can.  This CD and Eckhardt Tolle's other CDs and books are available at Amazon.  The Sounds True website also carries his many books and CDs.