Sunday, February 7, 2016


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Wisdom from White Eagle:

"It is so easy to judge the actions of others, but dear ones, do try to refrain from judgment, for as you condemn others, so you condemn yourself.  Strive to be tolerant and to give from your heart the gentle spirit of the master soul.  Jesus the Christ is a master soul, man made perfect; and this highly evolved and perfected soul incarnated in order to reveal to individual men and women what they could themselves attain if they followed the simple, gentle way of the Christ.

'Forgive, my children, forgive.  Whatever is in your heart, however hard you may feel towards any soul, possibly with justification according to material standards, pray to forgive as Jesus taught in his simple prayer.  Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.  Do you not realize that in forgiving others, you are releasing yourselves?  So long as you sit in harsh judgment on your fellows, refusing to forgive, you bring that same judgment upon yourself, for life is ruled by spiritual law.  But as soon as you feel forgiveness in your own heart, you release yourself from the bondage of your karma.

'Karma is transmuted when men and women learn to think and act from the spirit, with love."

It has been said that forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves.  Wishing you the blessing of forgiving yourself and others.......and peace, joy, and love, always.


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