Sunday, January 25, 2015

What can I learn from this?

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Today's thought:  What can I learn from this?

There are several schools of thought of why bad things happen in our lives.  Some believe they are challenges from God to test our faith and make us stronger as we bear them and live through them.  Some believe they are a result of karma, past actions that we must now face and resolve.  Some believe life is a learning-and-growing experience, and that we all have good and bad things happen in our lives.  And others believe we draw to ourselves, through the Universal Law of Attraction, whatever we focus on.

Regardless of your beliefs, when bad things happen, ask yourself, "What can I learn from this?"  There is something to be learned in each experience, and that 'something' may be different for each of us.  Learn the lesson and let the experience go.  Learn the lesson and move on. When you are able to do this, each day will be a joy.

Wishing you the blessing of joyful days.....and peace and love, always.


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